Princess Kaguya — One Night Spectacle

Princess Kaguya
One Night Spectacle
After getting to know each other better, the members of Getto Spectacle decide to take a break from practice to fulfill Kanata and Arashi's wishes, by going to an amusement park...
Kino Seitaro with Akira

One Night Spectacle

Chapter 1

Location: Old Seisoukan Building

A few days later.

I have finished~ Tatsumi.

Thank you very much. You were right on time, Kanata-san.

Fufu. "Communal life" must be based on "respect" for others.

On the first day, I was quite "careless", but...

I realized that "Ohisama"-san and "Chief"-san, who are my usual "roommates", are very "considerate" of me.

Mm~ I just do what I normally do. Rinne-senpai has a different rhythm of life, so maybe he's trying to be attentive.

Both "Chief"-san and I come from backgrounds different from urban "perfection"~ Maybe he had his own thoughts about it

Come to think of it, surprisingly, everyone seems to have no trouble with living together anymore. All of us are doing well, or maybe we've just gotten used to each other.

With such a unique group of people, it wouldn't be strange if a problem or two arose

There are some room assignments that make you wonder "why would you put those two together?", but I haven't heard of any big trouble here. Maybe we got into a better place than expected

Anyway, Tatsumi~ I went out of my way to leave the bath "on time". How about you enter soon?

If you do not get in soon, all my efforts will be for "naught"

Oops. My apologies, the talk went on for too long.

Then, I'm off to take a bath as well. I must warm myself up to avoid catching a cold

Ufufu. I should also get ready for bed soon.

Hokuto-chan, don't stay up late today and go to bed early, 'kay?

Of course. I've decided to get up earlier than usual this week.

The commotion of the first day has completely settled down, and I've been able to prepare for the reading drama with plenty of time to spare these days. It looks like my wish will come true soon

It's great that your "wish" is tied to the success of the show. I hope you'll help me with my "wish", too!

As much as I'd like to, the costume designs Anzu showed me yesterday were based on Princess Kaguya.

Isn't that something Narukami would call "cute"?

But that's so not the same thing. Wearing a specific outfit for work and wearing matching outfits are two very different things

That's true, but...

As I thought, I still can't say it's going to be the "best broadcast" yet

Really? I think we'll get a passing grade

Of course, it won't be bad. But, with Tomoe-senpai's retirement..

Hmm. Are you getting all worked up because of me? You're a good junior, aren't you?

Jun-kun also used to be more junior-like when we first met, and he used to be all cute. But recently, he has grown to be rougher towards me!

That's it. That's what we're lacking.

We're playing the roles of a group of classmates, but since we're usually in the positions of seniors and juniors, we haven't been able to close the distance between us when we get into character.

At the rate we're going, we're still far from reaching the end that Tomoe-senpai desires... I feel such a sense of crisis

Fufu. You're rather hot-blooded. I thought you were the type of person that can firmly draw a line on their emotions, like Hidaka-sensei

My father is a good example of what not to be. I'm not the kind of great man who can do everything by himself.

Instead, I have friends I can rely on. I will never stand alone at the top like my father

Fufu. Your family's story is very interesting, but I'm not going to ask you about it.

Either way, I understand Hokuto-kun's point—

We haven't been able to get inside each other's hearts yet. We need time to laugh and grieve more and more together!

...Then, our next task is teamwork

Oh? You've finished bathing already, Kazehaya-senpai?

No, I will do so afterward. I was just in the dressing room, and I heard talk of something very interesting.

I could sense Hokuto-san's anxiety, so I hurriedly put on my clothes and came back

Tatsumi-kun sure has a hell of an ear. You also seem to have been eavesdropping on my phone calls

It's far from being hellish1. I just happened to be there

Ufufu. It's just like "Kazehaya-senpai's Confessional!"


Yes. A radio show in which I serve as the host.

It's a program in which I answer the questions and concerns of listeners and guests, and it seems to be getting a good response

I see. If that is the case, I would like to hear how Tatsumi would respond to Hokuto's "concern".

What can we do to make our relationship more "familiar"?

Very well. Paradoxically, I think it would be good for us to take a break from practicing

Do you mean taking a "day off" from practice?

Yes. As I interrupted to say just now, I consider this matter to be a teamwork issue.

How about an increase in the number of casual interactions that are seemingly unrelated to practice?

For example, fulfilling "wishes" outside of practice—Kanata-san's and Arashi-san's desires are of that kind

So that's it. I'm a little worried about missing practice at this stage, but... If we can take the time, I wanna enjoy it ♪

I want to "bathe" with everyone too ♪

Mhm, mhm. Then it's decided! It would be unfair to just listen to Hokuto-kun all the time, wouldn't it?

It's both my "wish" and Tomoe-senpai's. Don't make it sound like I'm the only one benefiting from this

Ahaha, I don't care about the details!

Tomorrow is a day off from lessons! It's our last chance to freshen up before the show—let's go out and have fun ♪

Maybe we can find the last piece we need there. We may be able to dream up an amazing spectacle...✩

Chapter 2

Location: On the balcony of Seisoukan's old building.


(We got all excited about deciding tomorrow's itinerary, and things got intense. It's not like me—)

(But, I feel like I'm getting to know them a little better.)

(Aah, it's been a long time since I've had such an enthusiastic exchange of opinions. Everyone in Eden is businesslike and laissez-faire, and Ibara always decides the itinerary.)

(It reminded me of when I argued with Eichi-kun, but not as unpleasant... It was such a refreshing feeling.)

Pardon the intrusion, Hiyori-san

? Is there something wrong, Tatsumi-kun?

No. There isn't any deep reason for me to come here.

Even though it's the middle of winter, it's getting a little hot. So I just wanted to cool down my head

Don't lie to me so transparently. You wanted to talk to me, didn't you?

Hmm. What makes you think that?

You were calm the whole time we were talking. You weren't even sweating, so it seems unnatural for you to come all the way out here for that

I see, such keen insight. Or perhaps, I'm just a terrible liar.

I'm not very good at making excuses like this. If you don't tell the truth, things can get a bit unmanageable, such as with the recent SS preliminaries

I think that's much better than being someone who lies for their own convenience.

In high society or in business situations, such people may be able to get around better.

But we're idols, people who give hopes and dreams to others. It's always a good thing to keep our conduct clean and pure ♪

Fufu. You really are a splendid idol. A person with such great ability and ambition, to the extent that it makes me hope you'll withdraw your retirement at any moment.

...I'm grateful to you, Hiyori-san

That's... What are you grateful for?

Fufu. It just slipped out of my mouth. "Be grateful for everything2"—when it comes to Hiyori-san, I have many things to be grateful for.

First of all, I'm glad that Hiyori-san is the leader in this Shuffle Project.

If you hadn't been the main driving force behind the unit, we might have been unable to establish our unity.

But it doesn't stop there—your coming to Reimei Academy has brought me salvation.

After I took my leave from Reimei due to my hospitalization, there were many hurt students who remained.

But, you, who transferred from Yumenosaki, became a new beacon for Reimei Academy.

That saved me, to some extent. I had been worried that those who had hopes in the "special student" system might go down the wrong path afterwards

Not really, it's up to each person to save themselves, isn't it?

I just continued my activities as an idol with a cheerful and positive attitude to make up for the miserable events I experienced in fine. That's all there is to it!

And I think it was for the best. I'm sure that the dazzling light that Hiyori-san radiated became a beacon for the students of Reimei Academy.

It's no exaggeration to say that you established a new era

Fufu. If I saved someone just by being myself—that's what being an idol is all about, isn't it?

However, this is the end of Tomoe Hiyori's story as an idol.

I've been trying to be stout-hearted, but it's getting very lonely to see the end approaching like this.

Everyone is expressing how grateful they are for me, and summing me up as an awe-inspiring person, a good person, and a role model—it's as if I've died, isn't it?

At the end of last year, my activities in Eden came to an end, and all I wanted to do was announce my retirement. But now, when it's already too late, I'm starting to regret it

Then, I'd like for this work to be able to reach far into the future. For this Shuffle Project to—

Fufu. It's starting to get cold, so we should go back to the room.

In the end, we decided to spend the whole day at an amusement park tomorrow. It's going to be more physically demanding than expected, so it'd be better to go to bed early

Fufu. We have a lot to do tomorrow.

Work that will reach far into the future, huh—I must do my best to avoid being left with any regrets

Yes. That's right.

Finally, Hiyori-san. May I consult something with you?

If Hiyori-san is struggling with his retirement, I was wondering if I may be of some help


What, it's like an offshoot of "Kazehaya-senpai's Confessional!". That's about all I can do for you, Hiyori-san

What do you mean? This is, I don't understand—

Don't worry. It's okay if you don't understand

Perhaps I'm overthinking things. I may be digging my own grave by being so concerned about it. So you can forget what I just said.

Well, I'll be going to sleep now. Have sweet dreams—Hiyori-san


Chapter 3

Location: Amusement Park

Next day. Early morning at 9:00 a.m.

Ooi! Where are you, seniors!

They said they were going to buy some drinks, but they've spent way too much time. At this rate, we'll have to wait in long lines for the attractions.

Maybe it's fine. If we show up in a crowd, we'll cause a commotion, won't we?

Well, that is true... Even though it's a weekday, there seems to be a good number of visitors.

If we have to wait in an hour-long line for a single attraction, it'll ruin the amusement park experience for us.

Hokuto~ Arashi~ This way, this way.

Come on, come on. Now that we have obtained our "water", shall we get in line for the "attractions"?

Mm. When did you get in line? We were waiting in front of the entrance gate.

If you act on your own, you'll get separated and lost.

I will not get lost. I have been to this "amusement park" several times for Hero Shows.

Fufufu. Hey now, are you capable of keeping up with our speed?

Hiyori-san, Kanata-san. Are you going to leave them behind...?

Don't worry. I'm sure Hokuto-kun and Arashi-chan realize that from now on, time is of the essence!

Come on, you two! Hurry up to catch up with me!

We're heading for the most popular attraction, the roller coaster!

What a bunch of troublesome seniors. Let's go, Narukami.

Yup, let's do it. We've gotta make this one day off worthwhile ♪

Mhm, mhm! This sense of urgency as you slowly climb up the rails! This is undoubtedly the real charm of a roller coaster!

After climbing up, it'll be a sharp nosedive into the reservoir. I can't wait.

I-It's getting really high up. This, will it really be okay?

Yes. The higher you go, the more fun it is to get "splashed" by the water.

That's not what she meant—

We're at the summit. Keep your eyes ahead and stay focused.

Now, let us go~ Splaaaash...!




Haah, I got water all over my head. It's a real pain in this cold weather.

Seriously, I've been trying to look presentable all morning and now my makeup's all messed up! Can I fix it later?

Fufu. There are a bunch of attractions coming up, so I'm sure you'll get all messy anyway!

So, that's that. After drying our clothes and hair, let's move on to the next...✩

Jeeez. How selfish.

But now Kanata-san's "wish" has been fulfilled. "To take a bath with everyone"—it was thought to be an unreasonable demand, but it came true.

Yes~ I enjoyed "bathing", I am completely satisfied...♪

Then, let's make my "wish" come true next!

Narukami's "wish" was to "dress everyone up in cute matching outfits".

But, how can you get matching outfits in an amusement park?

Right. I thought of something.

Really, I would've liked to go to a shopping mall or something like that...

But going shopping with little time to spare seems far from a depiction of a friendly relationship between highschool boys.

So, I'll have everyone dress up as the mascot character of this amusement park ♪

Mascot character...?

Well, you'll see! If we go to the store, you'll figure it out...♪

Ta-daa~h ♪ Horn headbands~♪

Now, I'm sure any item would look good on me, but I'd like to know what you think of it, and of course, you have got to shower me with compliments!

Ufufu. Tomoe-senpai is as cute as he always is ♪ But I won't lose either, right?

You should be proud to belong to Pretty 5! As expected from a Circle member who shares the same goals as me ♪

My, I'm super happy ♪ If you praise me so highly, I'm gonna wanna wear it everyday ♪

Yes! Pretty 5! (High five)

Pretty 5! (High five)

What's with this strange excitement... Did the air of the amusement park get to you?

When you have praise to give or are deeply moved, say it out loud! ...That's the first step of communication, isn't it?

Hm. It's better than being too ashamed to say anything. I tend to say unnecessary things, so lately I've been thinking it's better to keep my thoughts to myself—

But maybe I should be more honest about what I think with the members of Getto Spectacle, just as I am with Trickstar when I'm making a fool out of myself with them.

Then, then, Hokuto-kun, give me a high five, too!

High fi~ve ☆

H-High fi~ve.

Fufu. This experience at the amusement park will also give us an idea of how to play our roles.

Though we may understand them in theory, we cannot really feel them until we actually experience them like this.

I think that while the wish of "matching outfits" that Arashi-san desired was partially achieved, it was necessary for the success of the project for us to come here.

Ufufu, I'm still satisfied with this ♪ If I wanted you all to look cute, I probably would've bought clothes that you wouldn't be able to use on a daily basis.

It'd be kinda sad if you didn't wear the clothes I bought, so if it's just for my own self-satisfaction, this is enough ♪

Shinkai-senpai and Kazehaya-senpai... And also Hokuto-chan! I think you all look good ♪

Fufu. Going around the "amusement park" with "horns" on will be a nice "memory"

Yeah. Let's simulate the intense period of three years that our characters have experienced. With that, we can close the distance between us.

The experiences obtained here today will definitely be useful for our performance. I'm sure that with this answer, we'll be able to create a great reading drama—that's what I feel.

Chapter 4

Location: Amusement Park

A few hours later.

...It's getting really dark.

Si~gh. Time flies when you're having fun. I wanted to play around some more, but there's just not enough time at all!

Haunted houses, go-karts, ferris wheels... All of them are so much fun, just going through them once isn't enough!

Riding the Ferris wheel together was unexpectedly interesting and new for all of us. We pointed out things in the distance and talked about all sorts of stuff!

In the end, we were talking about different things~ It was kind of funny, like a "comedy" ♪

I am often mistaken for a "drowned corpse", so I was glad to see a "real" drowned corpse in the haunted house ♪

No, I don't think it was a real one, it was just an actor from the amusement park... I mean, it'd be a major incident if it were real.

Speaking of funny things, I couldn't help but laugh when Kazehaya-senpai was the clear winner in the go-kart race.

Just where did you learn those skills... I never thought that the usually mild-mannered Kazehaya-senpai would try to drift on a go-kart.

I'm sorry, it's just that whenever I get on a vehicle, I can't help but have a lot of fun.

Since it was a race, I tried to attack the corners, but did it surprise you a little?

Fufu. I never thought I'd be able to make such happy memories.

Every single one of them made me smile, so much so that I wish they'd continue like this everyday.

It could be said that it's because time is limited that we had fun. If you have too much time, you won't be able to enjoy every moment of it.

Besides, don't be so quick to feel disappointed yet! Haven't you noticed a change in me now that it's night?

Change... Umm, at a glance, there seems to be no change in Arashi-san.

Come on, take a closer look! The horns I'm wearing are shining, aren't they? ♪

And not just mine, but also the ones in the store, and the ones that all the people around us are wearing!

Now that you mention it... The horns I'm wearing are also shining, aren't they?

Seeing so many people walking around with horns on their heads—one would normally imagine it to be some kind of black magic ritual or the like.

Since this is an amusement park, will there be some kind of pre-closing event?

This is... Ufufu, it's the cue for the parade to begin ♪

Most of the attractions are now closed, but there's still a parade, which is the main attraction of this amusement park ♪

A parade at the end of the day with lights and fireworks... I've only seen the pictures in the brochure, but I think it's a perfect event to decorate the ending ♪

It is almost "starting time"~ It seems that the seats have been "prepared" for us, shall we go?

Sorry. Just give me a minute.

..."Ohisama"-san? Hurry up, or you will miss out on all the good seats~

I know that. But can I be allowed to get a little sentimental for a moment?

To be honest, it's not like me. It makes me really sad to think that this is the end.

Tomoe-senpai... I'm sure you must feel disappointed.

Yeah. Really! This whole thing sucks!

It's just so selfish. Even though my brother was supposed to take over the household, I also got dragged into it—they must have mistaken their son for a tool or something!

But, I hate myself the most for not being able to break off my relationship with them...

Up until now, I've been raised with great care, and I was even allowed to become an idol.

When I thought about that, I knew I couldn't say anything. And because of that, I didn't want to be one anymore.

It's a decision I made on my own—so then, why? It makes my heart ache.

Hiyori-san... It must be very painful.

But whatever you choose to do, we will respect your decision.

Having had the unique experience of being an idol, I'm sure that you have a bright future ahead of you.

...Thank you.

Ah. Look, in the night sky...

Wah. A "large flower" firework has blossomed...♪

Yeah. It's as if it's giving its blessing to wherever Tomoe-senpai is going.

Ufufu. Rather, we were lucky to see it here, where no one's around. Isn't this a surprisingly good place?

Even from such a distance, you can see it clearly—a really, really beautiful light.

It twinkles briefly, but strongly. It burns itself into your mind and won't go away.

That was me. That was my brilliance—

...Alright. Sorry for making you wait. That's enough gloominess!

From here on, I'll be the usual Tomoe Hiyori. We must hurry to the parade grounds ♪

Fufu. Shall we go, "Ohisama"-san?

Ohh? Don't push my shoulder like that~ Can't I walk by myself?

...But, well, this kind of thing isn't so bad.

There are no never-ending stories. And yet, life inevitably goes on.

So, don't forget. That an idol called Tomoe Hiyori was once here.

Translation Notes

  1. Hiyori uses the term 地獄耳, literally meaning sharp ears. It often refers to a person who is eager to hear about gossip and remember it. It contains 地獄 (jigoku) in it, which means hell. Hence, Tatsumi’s reaction.
  2. From the bible, 1 Thessalonians 5:18.