Princess Kaguya — Epilogue

Princess Kaguya
Epilogue (エピローグ)
It's finally time for the performance, and the members reminisce about everything they've gone through, preparing themselves to say goodbye to Hiyori...
Kino Seitaro with Akira


Chapter 1

Location: Princess Kaguya Stage

Time goes by. The day of the recording.

Look, look, this outfit! It makes me feel like I'm wearing a haregi kimono1...♪

The design was already cute in the sketch, but it feels even more like Princess Kaguya when worn in person ♪

A gorgeous haori combined with modern innerwear.... Indeed, these garments are the very embodiment of the "modern arrangement of a classical work" concept.

I must take my hat off to the staff for their hard work.

It's rare to see such a large-scale set. It seems like a waste to use it for a one-time recording.

Yes. I was also surprised at the "elevator"-like "mechanism".

As one would expect from such a popular program, the budget and the skills of the staff are outstanding.

Mhm, mhm. Wonderful costumes, a magnificent stage—it's suitable for my last job!

I can proudly tell my fans that this will be my "last job".

Yes. It's time to display the fruits of all our practice so far. From living together, to granting "wishes"—and, having fun while playing at an amusement park with all the members.

All of it, it became our source of nourishment. I want this reading drama to make everyone feel that way.

Goodness, when I talk like that, it sounds like I'm giving a sermon. Now that the program is about to start, would the leader like to say a few words in closing?

That's right. At the end, the leader has to wrap things up on behalf of the unit.

I'm going to ramble a little bit, is that okay?

Of course. It's the leader's last speech, so don't even worry about it.

Well then, I won't hold back—

Eh~ Ehem, ehem. (Clearing his throat)

Looking back on the immediate aftermath of the unit's gathering, it was truly the worst!

Living together for the Shuffle Unit failed, and I couldn't even look at ourselves anymore!

I thought it was appropriate for my last job, so I eagerly volunteered for the leadership position.

But then you immediately regretted having to live together and thought of it as a mistake, didn't you?

Fufu. You really are not "holding back"~♪

That is how deep our "connection" has become, is it not?

Yup. That's what Shuffle Units are for.

Suddenly being put into a unit with one job as the goal—it's normal for people to not get along with each other. I forgot about that.

It was the same when I was in fine, and when I joined Eden. Honestly, I didn't like the way in which Ibara ordered me to do this and that.

But now I get along well with them. I think it was fate that I was asked to participate in this Shuffle Project for the ending.

Ah. Of course, I haven't forgiven Eichi-kun yet!

He's the only one that I'll never reconcile with, you know? If Eichi-kun and I ever get along, it'll be a harbinger of cataclysmic events ♪

Tenshouin-senpai and Tomoe-senpai are like two sides of the same coin. It would be a shame if they never work together again.

Hm~ I wonder? Even after I quit being an idol, he'll still be a part of my life for some reason or another...

Just thinking about it now is depressing. Terrible weather!

Ahaha. Eichi-san and Hiyori-san have a really interesting relationship.

But, I'd like to see a Tomoe-senpai who's no longer an idol. I'm sure you'll be able to get around in high society.

You're a skillful and graceful person. You'll be fine wherever you go.

Standing side by side on stage together, I can guarantee it.

Ahaha. You seem to have a lot of confidence in my future, don't you?

But, I'll do my best. Though I'm a little reluctant to leave the entertainment industry, which is always getting more and more interesting.

The death of the idol Tomoe Hiyori is the birth of a new Tomoe Hiyori—

I will live my life only looking forward. That's how I've always done it.

I'll leave ES the same way I left Yumenosaki Academy. There'll be a different light shining in the future, and I'll inherit a part of it.

So, don't be sad when this job is over, and move on.

This is my last stage as an idol.

Getto Spectacle—may the moonlight shine upon us.

Chapter 2

Location: Princess Kaguya Stage

(Finally, the last scene of the reading drama.)

(A touching farewell, and then everyone will sing a song wishing for a future reunion.)

("Moonlight Disco"—a most wonderful, dream-like night.)

"...We sure got immersed in reminiscing."

"Fufu. Looking back, these were fulfilling "three years"."

"Even the most difficult events are now pleasant memories."

"No matter how painful the experiences that lie ahead may be, I feel that I'll be able to overcome them by remembering the time I spent with you all."

"Right. It's a shame that we won't be able to get together whenever we want to, since we all have different paths to follow."

"But I'm sure we'll meet again."

"It's sad to say goodbye, but let's all smile and sing our farewells!"


(Thank you, everyone. Even though we only spent one week together, you empathized with my feelings and made it such an enjoyable performance.)

(Our growth may possibly exceed that of Princess Kaguya... Just kidding ♪)

(Thanks to you, it turned out to be wonderful weather! You did a splendid job!)


("Ohisama"-san. This is a temporary farewell.)

(It was a short time, but I will never forget the days I spent with you in the "same room".)

("Ohisama"-san, "Chief"-san, and myself—a very unusual "combination".)

(But to me, they were people I "fit in2" quite well with...♪)

"♪ ♪ ♪"

(Tomoe-senpai. Thank you for your help in Pretty 5.)

(If you're ever in trouble, you can count on us, the idols of ES. We'll give you warm and caring advice.)

(Of course, if you wanna talk to someone, it can be anyone from Eden, our Shuffle Unit, or your Circle Members.)

(You've made such an impact on so many people. It's only natural that we'd help you in any way we can ♪)

(So, please be at ease. Tomoe-senpai.)


(Thank you. Thanks to Tomoe-senpai, my "wish" came true.)

(I feel like this is the "best broadcast in the history of the program" that I wanted—we did the best we could in this past week, and we got here.)

(This wouldn't have happened if Senpai hadn't been the leader of the unit.)

(If it weren't for Tomoe-senpai saying he was retiring—though it would be rude to say so...)

(If it hadn't been for that, we might have gone into this job without resolving our differences on the first day.)

(I will never forget the way Senpai shined as an idol.)

(For eternity, I'll burn into my eyes the spectacle that took place on this stage.)


"♪ ♪ ♪ ♪"

(Fufu. His voice is so bright and graceful that it's hard to believe he's about to retire.)

(The way he only shows his cheerful side is exactly what an idol should be like.)

(...wait, no way. Did I just say that Tomoe-senpai saying he'd retire brought the unit together?)

(If so, then this Shuffle Project is—)



(I knew about your sin. I knew it, and I stayed silent.)

(So, if you are to be blamed—I'll take the blame with you.)

(But. I'm sure it won't come to that.)

(If you look at this stage, you'll understand that you were in the right for lying.)

(Just by looking at this stage, which is as complete as a full moon—)

(I will forgive you. And we will share the same sins.)

(That is—the only redemption I can give to you.)

Chapter 3

Location: S TV Station

After the recording. In front of S TV.

...Phew. We've finished the job! I'm so relieved we finished the recording without a hitch!

That concludes my "last job". Mhm, mhm, such good weather...☆

But, you're retiring now, aren't you? Is there nothing we can do about it?

Yup. My parents seem to be very determined—or, so I'd like to say.

Ohisama-san... Do you have any "regrets"?

Eh? Yeah... about that...

Uu. I will be lonely without "Ohisama"-san in the "dorm"... At the very least, I will name the tropical fish I am purchasing "Hiyori".

That way, I can be with "Ohisama"-san forever...

Ummm, I said, about that! Listen carefully to what people say!

About me saying that I was going to retire, that was—

A lie... That's what you want to say.

Right, right. That's it! You've got it right, Hokuto-kun. When did you become aware of it?

After the reading, when we were singing Moonlight Disco.

Tomoe-senpai's performance was so thorough that I couldn't recognize the lie until then. It was as if he was fooling even himself.

Fufu. Was my acting ability good enough to deceive Hokuto-kun? Good job, me ♪


...Wait, huh? What's the matter, you two? This is the part where you rejoice!

My retirement is canceled! Nothing could make you happier than that, right?

A lie—then, when you said you'd retire... You've been deceiving us since then!

How awful, "Ohisama"-san. Even though I was so sad...

Well, everyone, please calm down. It was a statement born out of concern for the Shuffle Unit—

Without Hiyori-san's lie, Getto Spectacle might have broken up part way through. That's how much of a desperate lie it was.

Mhm, mhm. That means you were saved by my quick thinking! Sorry I lied to you, but I'd rather you be grateful to me, okay?

Wait, Hiyori-san? In situations like this, you should be humble—

Asking for gratitude is awfully presumptuous.

Good grief. Even if it was for the sake of our unity, you've been manipulating people far too much. You'd do well to reflect on that.

Fufufu. I don't want to!

If you had more respect for others from the beginning, this wouldn't have happened. Shouldn't you follow Tatsumi-kun's example more?

Aah, jeez. This is a predicament...

Everyone. Please listen to me. It is true that Getto Spectacle was brought together after Hiyori-san announced his retirement, isn't it?

If so, then it can be said that this lie was intended to make your "wishes" come true.

It may be true that he deceived you, but I think he also deserves your devotion. So, if you're going to throw stones at Hiyori-san, I'll take his punishment, too—

Tatsumi. We are not "idiots", you know?


For crying out loud. Even we think it's a good thing that he lied about his retirement.

But I'm still mad at him for making me worry—I mean, just the thought of Tomoe-senpai no longer being an idol brings tears to my eyes!

That is right. We were angry because the thought of "retirement" made us sad.

Please do not say that, ever "again".


Hiyori-san. Isn't it about time for you to tell the truth? If you confess with honesty, the Lord will surely forgive you.

Though perhaps in this case, confessing to the wonderful Moon3 shining upon us would be more appropriate...♪

Well then, I won't lie to the wonderful Moon.

At first I thought pretending to retire was too much. But considering the role, I thought it'd be a good idea to seriously consider such feelings—

And yet, the more I lied, the more I felt like I was telling the truth.

When we were playing at the amusement park, I really felt as if I was going to retire—

The truth is, I wanted to withdraw before the performance. But I really wanted to go into the show with my feelings as they were.

So it's as I thought.

When I first heard about it, I was distraught because it came out of nowhere. I thought it was very strange.

So when you were alone with me on the balcony, you were trying to trick me into telling the truth?

Yes. I was certain that Hiyori-san would have made working with Eden his most important priority. That's how deeply he loves his companions.

Hiyori-san's parents interfering with his idol activities being the cause... is probably not true.

The reason why you frequently left due to phone calls was to make sure that Anzu-san and Eden kept their stories straight, wasn't it?

Of course. Because my parents respect individuality!

First of all, my brother has promised to take over the household. There's no way I can retire, right?

Is that so...

It's aggravating to be lied to, but if it was the result of a sincere effort to do your job, I can't blame you for your decision.

It's just... I know. After being manipulated so much, we deserve something in return, don't we?

Then I wanna go to the great quiche place that Tomoe-senpai mentioned ♪

So how about that? If you treat us to a quiche, we'll call it even this time.

That would be good~♪ I want to try the recommended "quiche" too ♪

...And so it seems that's that. Hiyori-san, will you also agree?

...Fufu. That's a small price to pay, isn't it?

Then it's settled! Let's rent out the restaurant and have a party!

To commemorate the continuation of my idol life and the success of Getto Spectacle—

Of course, it'll be a lavish party. This day also has some wonderful weather...☆

Translation Notes

  1. Haregi are a type of expensive kimono people wear in special occasions, most often for New Year's, but also in weddings and coming-of-age ceremonies.
  2. Kanata uses the expression 水が合う, which refers to being able to adapt and fit in well in an environment. It includes the kanji for water (水), which is why it's fitting for Kanata to say.
  3. The term Tatsumi uses is お月さま (otsuki-sama), a poetic way of referring to the moon. I have also seen it be described as a term used to show respect and affection for the moon. With context, I believe he may also be putting the Moon in a deity position Hiyori can confess his sins to.