Raindrop-covered Show Window

Traditional DisplayIncreases the Dance of Sparkle cards
Decorative MotifIncreases the score
No Assistance NecessaryIncreases the drop rate of Large Red Stat Pieces

Trendy DisplayIncreases the Performance of Flash cards
Decorative SenseIncreases the score
Required ExpectationsIncreases the drop rate of Medium Yellow Stat Pieces

Fish DisplayIncreases the Performance of Brilliant cards
Decorative AssistanceIncreases the score
Born At An AquariumDecreases the drop rate of Small Yellow Stat Pieces

Directing DisplayIncreases all stats of Glitter cards
Decorative InstructionsIncreases the score
Direct AppointmentSlightly increases the amount that the Ensemble Time Gauge rises after a Good/Great/Perfect
Raindrop-covered Show Window
Chapter 1
Season: Winter
Location: AOUMI Aquarium (Main Hall)
—Hmm. It seems there is still ample time before our meeting. Did I arrive a little early?
I wonder if Shinkai-dono is already here... Let's see...?
Hmm. As I thought, he hasn't arrived yet. Well, it's only natural. I simply came early.
I got overly excited when Shinkai-dono mentioned giving me some of the baby fish—the fish fry—born at the aquarium.
I shall wait here for a while. After all, there's a large fish tank right in front of my eyes.
Opportunities to gaze at such a large aquarium are rare. In doing so, even the passing of time will seem fleeting.
Aah... Indeed, aquariums truly do leave quite the impression...
Ohh... Despite being three times larger than the fish in the Marine Life Club, this fish swims so gracefully...
Truly, large fish tanks are a wonderful thing. The fish in the Marine Life Club should also swim in a bigger space.
However, the current aquarium has reached the limit in terms of the clubroom's size. Even now, the tank is installed at the very edge of the permissible area.
You are early~ Did I keep you waiting too long?
Oh, Shinkai-dono. Nay, I simply arrived too early, so please do not worry about it.
Moreover, while I was waiting, I got to thoroughly enjoy this aquarium, so it was a worthwhile experience ♪
Then I am glad. What were you "looking" at?
I was gazing at the fish swimming there. For some reason, I was rather taken by the way it swam.
If Souma likes "that child" so much, would you like to take it back with you?
I appreciate Shinkai-dono's thoughtfulness, but I shall refrain.
Given its size, the school's facilities would feel rather cramped and inconvenient.
I was captivated by the sight of that fish swimming leisurely in this large tank to begin with.
Furthermore, with such a big fish, other members of the club may have a hard time taking care of it.
Go~od boy, go~od boy ♪ For you to not be swayed by immediate "desires"... Souma, you are excellent~ That is why the children of the "academy" can be entrusted to you with "peace of mind."
I do not know if I'm excellent. However, I want you to feel assured that you can trust me, Shinkai-dono...♪
Now then, I will go get the "children" for Souma. They are not out front, so I will "bring" them over now. Please wait here a little while longer.
Yes, understood!
Heave-ho... heave-ho... Heave and—
Here you go. These are the "children"~
Oh! All the fry are swimming so energetically!
Is it really okay to give these fry to the Marine Life Club? I feel guilty about separating them from their parents at such a young age...
Mm~... Those are just the self-serving "preconceptions" of "humans".
Most fish leave their eggs and grow up by themselves.
Hmm, it's true. Excessive thoughtfulness and concern do nothing but impose on the other person... That's what it means, right?
That is what it means ♪ So please dote on these "children" in the "Marine Life Club".
Now then, shall we go to the "academy"?
Hm? Will Shinkai-dono also come with and carry them? I'd be fine on my own, but...
Do not be so reserved~ It may be difficult for "one person", but it becomes easy with "two people".
Now, let us go~o ☆
Location: Marine Life Club Room
Thanks to Souma showing a "notice", I was able to enter the "academy" without any problems~ Thank you very much.
If you do not show it in advance, you will not be allowed to enter the premises in "casual clothes".
That's the least I could do. I, too, find it tedious to go back to the dormitory and change into my uniform.
Besides, I want to quickly transfer these fry to the water tanks.
Hm, hmm~ The tank is also "clean" and the fishes seem to be "healthy". That must be because Souma takes good "care" of them~
Naturally. I will carry out the important duty given to me by my seniors, even at the cost of my own life!
Fufufu~ You are full of energy~ But you do not have to put your life on the line, do you?
I am aware of that. Just be assured that I am prepared to do so.
By the way, Shinkai-dono, is it okay for me to transfer these fry to the tank? I'd like to put them in a larger space as soon as possible.
Aah, that is right.
Oh? This tank is...
I thought it would be better to create an environment similar to that of an aquarium, so I prepared a large tank.
Fortunately, thanks to you, Shinkai-dono, there are plenty of aquarium tanks left in the clubroom. We can choose whichever ones we want to our heart's content.
...Could it be, that it would've been best if it was smaller?
No~ This tank is adequate. Let us go ahead and transfer them.
Ohh... How lovely...♪
Mm? Shinkai-dono, is there something bothering you?
I added plenty of aquatic plants, but I would like it if they had more "places" they can hide in~
Souma. Would you like to go get "supplies" with me now?
I would very much love to go, but... The truth is, I have a work meeting scheduled after this...
I see~ In that case, it cannot be helped. I will purchase them by myself and put them in the "tank".
Goodness! I can't possibly make Shinkai-dono go through that much trouble...! I will go purchase them after my work is done.
This is what is known as give-and-take. "Chief"-san often says it to me. So, it would be best for Souma to head to work.
Shinkai-dono... I am in your debt. I shall rely on your kindness in this matter...!
Yes~ Take care~♪
Chapter 2
Location: Meeting Room
"Disupu"...? What did you say?
Are you referring to display design? It involves coordinating show windows and exhibition spaces in stores and such, based on a specific concept.
"Shou"...? "Coodi"...?1
Agh...! Attacking someone who struggles with western words with a barrage of incomprehensible terms... "Himeru"-dono, that is far too ruthless!
I've been getting used to western words recently, but I wish you wouldn't impose such a daunting ordeal on me so abruptly!
Not at all... HiMERU didn't intend to attack you in any way...
Allow me to break it down further for Kanzaki-shi's sake. Outside the store, there will be a glass window where the products are displayed.
Display design is the process of decorating the inside of that glass window with clothing, ornaments, and other items.
You can think of it as the skillful combination of colors, shapes, and materials.
Huh... I understand the meaning of "disupurei dezain" now, but it sounds a tad challenging...
Huh?! W-Wait a minute! Are you saying I've been tasked with the job of "disupurei dezain"?!
Yes. I will now provide you with more details. For the time being, please take a look at this.
This is—
This is the script of the program. To briefly explain its contents, the performers will create art, poetry, and so on, using their personal sense of taste.
Then, professionals and passers-by will evaluate their work, pitting them against each other in a voting contest... Well, it's a typical variety show.
—Of course, HiMERU is well aware. It's a popular prime-time broadcast and the TV station's signature program.
Ohh, so it was that program. I know it as well. I had a chance to watch it with everyone in the dormitory. I enjoyed the episodes on haiku and nihonga2.
If that's the case, let's get straight to the point.
I would like to ask both HiMERU-shi and Kanzaki-shi to appear on the program, which will be a showdown of show window display designs.
But why "disupurei dezain"...? That program covers other subjects such as poetry, cooking, and etiquette. Why would you choose the one I'm the most unrelated to...?
I understand your bewilderment, Kanzaki-shi, but I strongly urge you to accept this offer.
Hm. You're being quite pushy. Is there a reason?
Yes. This offer comes directly from the producer of the program, who is highly respected in the industry. I don't want to cause them any inconvenience if possible.
I have a good relationship with that producer, and they approached me personally for this opportunity.
—Aah, is that so. That's why the deputy director is explaining it to us. I was wondering why Kanzaki-san, who is from a different agency, was here too.
Well, it is rare. The P-Association usually handles most of the offers made to ES.
Saegusa-dono, why me...?
Of course, I will do my utmost if I am to appear, but this is not my field of expertise, and I don't think it would even be a competition to begin with.
"Himeru"-dono aside, when a seemingly unrelated request is made to me, I cannot help but suspect there's an ulterior motive behind it.
Oh, there's no need to worry about that. There are absolutely no ulterior motives. Furthermore, I have no intention of deceiving Kanzaki-shi, so please rest assured.
As you may know, HiMERU-shi has been sweeping fashion magazine covers and features, and is what can be called a trendsetter.
And Kanzaki-shi is someone outside the realm of trends.
Outside the realm of "torendosu"...?
Trends are complex. You could describe them as a double-edged sword...
Most people have a grasp of trends to some extent. What do you think would happen if you put those kinds of people together?
Hmm... They would all exude a sophisticated atmosphere? Or rather, they would all be visually appealing...
On the other hand, they would all leave the same impression on the audience. —That's what it means, isn't it?
Exactly. Trends are not about diversity. They represent what is most mainstream at the moment.
There may be good or bad taste, and you could even broaden the trend categories, but the foundation will remain the same.
And that wouldn't be interesting at all. That is why Kanzaki-shi was selected.
The producer believed that Kanzaki-shi could create something interesting, akin to a chemical reaction from mixing different things.
I see. So that's the reason...
Indeed. This is a great opportunity. For ES, for "CosPro", and for "Rhythm Link" as well.
Therefore, I strongly urge the both of you to accept this offer.
—HiMERU doesn't mind. He is honored to be held in such high regard, and there's nothing to complain about in terms of content and scale.
What about you, Kanzaki-san?
—I fully understand now. I still have many concerns, but I have made up my mind.
It is an honor to be selected directly by the "purodyuusaa". For Akatsuki and "rizurin"'s sake, I will do my best!
Chapter 3
Location: Saison Avenue
Let's see... The address they provided should be around here... Which one is it, exactly? There are several similar stores here—
Mm? Ohh, I recognize that figure from behind...!
—Aah, Kanzaki-san. Good morning to you.
Good morning. So this is the place where the recording will be carried out. There are many similar stores in "seson avenyuu", so I was in a bit of a bind.
Indeed, there are a number of stores of the same type next to each other. Moreover, the names of the stores are all in foreign languages, which Kanzaki-san isn't very good at.
Certainly. With so many shops around, I think it would be nice to have some shops with names like "Zen" or "Wabi-sabi"3.
...Those don't seem like names that would resonate very strongly with young people.
Is that so? Hmm. It is difficult to understand the preferences of the young.
Incidentally, "Himeru"-dono. I get the feeling that the "staffu" appear to be in more of a hurry than usual. Has something occurred?
Ah, yes. It looks like it's going to rain, so they want to start shooting early. They're probably busy setting up.
Hmm. Now that you mention it, it does seem that the skies are gloomy today. I recall that the weather forecast said that it would rain on and off for the rest of the week.
Yes. This recording session might be at the weather's mercy.
At the weather's mercy, huh... If that's the case, I will devote my efforts to finishing the recording without a hitch.
—Agreed. HiMERU looks forward to working with you today.
Ah, likewise. I will be counting on you.
(Mm? As expected of "Himeru"-dono. It looks like he has already begun decorating the "shou windou".)
(Usually, I'd be worrying about what to do on my end—But this time, I'm different!)
(I watched a "dokyumentarii" program about "disupurei dezainaas" in advance, so I have prepared myself by studying what "disupurei dezain" is!)
(First, choose a "thiimu"—that is to say, it seems I should decide on a subject. Furthermore, it was said that to begin with, one should choose a familiar topic that is easy to express. So, I thought about this...)
(—The subject this time will be "my individuality"!)
(Now then... Where to start...)
(Well, HiMERU already has a theme in mind, so all he has to do is work towards it.)
(The program producer said HiMERU is a trendsetter. In other words, they must be looking for designs that incorporate current trends.)
(On the way here, HiMERU visited various stores on Saison Avenue to observe trends and show windows.)
(All that's left to do is figure out how to incorporate it with the theme HiMERU is currently thinking of... It's an opportunity to demonstrate his skills.)
(Speaking of which. It seems that they have provided a variety of objects to make it easier to create the desired image.)
Let's temporarily place them to align with the theme.
Place this over here... No, this one is too assertive. It doesn't give off the impression of an accent color, rather, it's more like the colors are fighting each other.
If that's the case... Then, move this over here, and by reducing the color a little more...
—Yes, that's good. It's just as HiMERU imagined. Let's use this color scheme.
(Phew. For the first day, that's enough.)
(If everything gets done too quickly at the beginning, it will make for a dull program. It's also important to show some of the anguish in the process.)
(Speaking of which. How is Kanzaki-san's progress going? When we talked earlier, he didn't seem very confident about it...)
Uu, um~mm. Mmgh, mmmgh...
(From the atmosphere, it seems that he is struggling considerably. Is he okay...?)
(No way around it. Let's lend a helping hand this time. We have undertaken this job together, and it's necessary for Kanzaki-san to stand his ground here.)
Woah! Apologies, I was completely focused. "Himeru"-dono, is there something wrong?
—Not exactly. HiMERU was just, a little concerned about your situation. You seem to be struggling. If you're willing, HiMERU could offer you some advice?
Ah, did I make you worry? What a terrible thing I've done.
Nevertheless, no assistance is needed! Moreover, this is a showdown. It would not be a fair match if I were to ask you for advice.
Ummm... Well, that may be true... but...
However, I appreciate your thoughtfulness. I am in your debt!
...No need.
(Rather, you should've asked in order to make the showdown more exciting...)
Chapter 4
Location: Saison Avenue
A few days later.
—For the time being, it's complete. Well, that should do.
(For a first attempt, it turned out quite well. It will likely meet the program producer's expectations.)
The katana is essential in shaping who I am. The katana is a samurai's life. It is the proof of my existence. If that's the case... It might be good to complement the katana with matching armor.
Now that it's settled, let us get started straight away!
So, arrange the armor here in the center... And then, place several swords around the armor...
Oh no! I've messed up...! It looks more like a spider than a samurai! I am not a youkai, after all...
Shall I remove all of them at once...? Nay, without a katana, I am the same as miso soup without miso!
In that case, to honor the samurai spirit, I'll display only two swords—a katana and a wakizashi4. A large piece of armor would have an overwhelming presence, so I will only place the kabuto...5
Like this... And then...
Next, fill the vacant spaces around here with kabuto and katana that have a familiar feel—
Mm? Uhmm... Strange.
Certainly, it has a calming atmosphere, but isn't this just like any ordinary tokonoma...?6 What should I... What on earth should I do? Ummmm...!
(Sure enough, you seem to be struggling considerably.)
(Good grief... That's why HiMERU said it in the beginning. If only you had listened obediently back then...)
(If things continue like this, the program will lose its momentum, so HiMERU wants you to listen to him today.)
Hmmgh— Hm? Is something the matter, "Himeru"-dono? Do you need something from me?
—HiMERU has been watching you for the past few days, and it appears that you're still having difficulty with the display design. If you'd like, he's willing to provide some advice.
Uu... It's true, but... But, however... The point of this program is to have a showdown...
Kanzaki-san. It's precisely because it's a showdown.
Because it's a showdown? What on earth does that mean?
Let's see... HiMERU would say that just because someone is an opponent, it doesn't mean that you should needlessly avoid them...
For example, there's a famous anecdote from the past where Uesugi Kenshin, who was seen as the strongest during the Warring States period, sent salt to his longtime enemy Takeda Shingen of Kai Province.7
HiMERU believes that extending a helping hand to the enemy is not a hindrance to a good competition.
Indeed... Even renowned warlords who raced through the turbulent period of warring factions had moments when they needed someone's assistance in times of trouble.
Yes, that's right. HiMERU thinks it's beneficial to have a space where people can cooperate with each other, so that they can bring out their best.
Understood. In order to make this a better showdown, I would like to ask for your advice.
HiMERU is glad you understand. May he inquire about your progress?
In fact, it's as "Himeru"-dono said. I haven't made much progress.
In my own way, I had done prior research on the meaning of "dispurei dezain", and decided to make the subject "my individuality". I thought it was a good approach, but...
Initially, I haphazardly tried placing various things that seemed to symbolize me, but it only resulted in a mess, and that's the current state of things.
To be honest, I am at a loss as to where to go from here... I feel completely lost.
Hm... So that's it. HiMERU understands your situation.
Though, as he listened to you, he began to wonder. Is what you currently have in place truly "your individuality"?
Huh? What does that mean? The katana is a samurai's life. It is the proof of my existence...
Certainly. HiMERU understands that you perceive the sword you always carry as if it were an extension of yourself8.
But from his perspective, it seems that the items placed here—including the swords—were chosen because they're what others desire from you. You may call it clerical, business-like.
The image people have when they see you may indeed be that of a samurai, a sword, and Japanese aesthetics...
But wouldn't it be better to think more flexibly and not get too fixated on those elements?
Hmm... I'm not familiar with "shou windous". Is that the reason why it didn't feel right, even after I incorporated something I am familiar with?
Well. Even if you understand it, there's nothing to be done if you can't come up with an idea to dispel it.
—If that's the case, there is something I want to try.
Something you want to try... you say?
Chapter 5
Location: Seisoukan Dorm Room
Hm? Is someone banging on the "door"...?
Pardon the intrusion! Is Shinkai-dono present?
Mmm~? That voice must be "Souma's".
Alright, alright~ I will open it now~
Hello~ Souma. Please come in.
Oh, I am deeply indebted! I shall accept your kind offer and intrude upon you.
What is wrong? You were "calling" for me, can I help you?
I apologize for suddenly intruding. The truth is, I have a humble request for you, Shinkai-dono.
Hmm, hmm, a request. What is it?
Would you be willing to lend me the fish dolls you created that are in the clubroom?
Do you mean the fish "mascots"?
Sure, I do not mind~ What do you plan to "use" them for?
I am currently in the midst of recording a certain program. I have to decorate a "shou windou" in my own way, so I would like to use them!
Aah. Is it the one they are shooting on "location" at "Saison Avenue"?
Ahh! So Shinkai-dono knew?
The other day, "Chief"-san told me that he saw it on his way home from playing pachinko~
Is that so? As Shinkai-dono says, it is true. "Himeru"-dono and I are having a "dispurei dezain" showdown on "rokeeshon".
At first, it was quite a difficult voyage and I was in a terrible state, but after receiving some advice, a good idea came to my mind!
For this purpose, Shinkai-dono's fish dolls are absolutely indispensable.
I see. I understand the "reason". In that case, you can take "all of them" with you~♪
Oh! Is that true? Very well, Shinkai-dono. Once the exhibition is over, I will make sure to return them to you properly.
Hmm. But if they are to be displayed in the "show window", should there not be more of them?
Umm... Now that you mention it, it's true...
I thought there were quite a lot of them, but if they are displayed in that big "shou windou", the ones in the clubroom may not be enough.
Please wait a moment. There are many fish "mascots" in this "room", so I shall lend them to you as well.
Really? Are you sure?
Of course~ I think it will be more "lively" if you combine them with the ones in this room.
Time and time again, I am indebted to you. So, you are still creating them even after graduation!
Fufu. If I have the time, I make them occasionally. They are my "new works".
But neither "Chief-san" nor "Ohisama"-san have been accepting them recently. It is sad, right?
However, it is okay, because Midori is happy to receive them instead. Whenever I give them to Midori, he is always "overjoyed".
Well, if that's the case, not only Takamine will be pleased, but me as well. I also want to have Kamezaburou's friends...♪
Ah, that reminds me. "Kamezaburou" was left in Souma's care, right? Is "Kamezaburou" doing "well"?
Yes! Of course! The parts that were fixed by Kiryuu-dono remain intact without any fraying, and they still look beautiful. As expected of Kiryuu-dono!
I am glad to hear that... Very well. Then, for my next "work", I will make "Kamezaburou" a new "friend".
I will be looking forward to it ♪
—Hmm...? Aah, here it is. This is the "box". Heave-ho...
You can take "all" of these "children" with you.
There's so many of them!
This should be "enough" for you. Please make sure to puka puka with the "children" in the clubroom...♪
When Souma's "show window" is completed, I will also go and see it, okay?
Chapter 6
Location: Saison Avenue
—Kanzaki-san. It seems that you managed to make it in time for the showdown. Though it's a bit unfortunate that it's raining on the day of the performance.
Ohh, "Himeru"-dono! I just saw the "shou windou" that you worked on earlier.
It had excellent craftsmanship, and exuded such a stylish atmosphere. I think it was a very contemporary "shou windou"!
Are you the one who should be saying that? HiMERU thought that Kanzaki-san's show window was truly outstanding.
No wonder you've been gazing at it with such satisfaction for a while now.
I am happy to hear you say so. I did my best in my own way.
Kanzaki-shi, HiMERU-shi, thank you for all your hard work! Salute~☆
Really, both of you were simply remarkable! It was truly wonderful. The showdown was awfully exciting.
I just heard the voting results a little while ago, and it was a very close contest... I think the program producer will be extremely satisfied with this.
Your reputation, and by extension, ES's reputation, will improve. These are joyous news!
If that's the case, then all the trouble was worthwhile.
—Incidentally. What were the results of the vote? Between HiMERU and Kanzaki-san, who won?
Kanzaki-shi, by a narrow margin.
What?! I-Is it really me?!
Yes. The reason why Kanzaki-shi's show window won is that it was supported by a wide range of people, regardless of age or gender.
So it was that. Though HiMERU thought that his own would also have that effect.
—He never thought a show window could be a large aquarium.
I just couldn't get used to "shou windous".
So I thought, if it's something I'm unfamiliar with, then I should change it to something I am familiar with.
When I first saw a "shou windou", I thought it looked like an aquarium.
I see. So that's where you got the idea...
In any case, Kanzaki-san. If the show window is meant to be an aquarium, why did you put a helmet in it? From the looks of it, it seems to be a hiding place for the fish.
Well. I understand that in this day and age, these things of the past are destined to fade away.
Though to me, it's a lamentable thing, nothing is immutable in this world, so it can't be helped.
However, even if things fade away, their will and aspirations remain, taking on new shapes and forms. That is what I wanted to convey.
So that was your intention. HiMERU thinks it reflects your individuality quite well.
Ohh, Shinkai-dono! You really did come to see me!
Yes~ I made a promise, so...♪ I came here properly because I do not want to swallow a "thousand needles"9.
Also, "Sea Serpent"-san and Himeru, hello there ☆
I just saw Souma's "show window".
You did a great job. The "fish" that I made were swimming happily in the "show window".
It was just like the "large tank" at "Aoumi Aquarium".
Since I saw the large tank when I received the fry from Shinkai-dono just a few days ago, it was easier for me to imagine the finished product!
Moreover, today's "weather" is just right. It feels good, does it not?
Feels good? Even though it's unfortunately raining today...?
It is a good thing. Because "fish" need "water". Puka, puka...♪
Could it be... Were you also aiming for that? A show window that can be utilized on both sunny and rainy days.
Indeed. Even so, I just thought that with this idea, one could enjoy its different aspects during any particular weather.
This design is more detailed and carefully thought out than one would expect...
However, I was only able to come this far because of the "advice" given to me by "Himeru"-dono. Therefore, I don't think this victory belongs to me alone.
I am deeply grateful for the help you gave me at that time.
Fufu. It seems that HiMERU has sent too much salt to the enemy...♪
Translation Notes
- ↑ HiMERU was using English loan words in katakana, which Souma repeats in hiragana to indicate his unfamiliarity with them.
- ↑ Nihonga, literally "Japanese paintings", is a term created to separate traditional Japanese paintings from western-style paintings.
- ↑ Zen is a school of Mahayana Buddhism. Wabi-sabi is a world view centered on the acceptance of transience and imperfection, also derived from Buddhist teachings.
- ↑ A wakizashi is a short sword. When worn together with a katana, it was the official sign that the wearer was a samurai in feudal Japan.
- ↑ A kabuto is a helmet worn by samurai.
- ↑ A tokonoma is a recessed space in which items for artistic appreciation are displayed.
- ↑ For better context, an excerpt from Uesugi Kenshin's Wikipedia page: "There was an incident when the Hōjō boycotted salt supplies to Kai Province. When Kenshin heard of Shingen's problem, he sent salt to Shingen from his own province. Kenshin commented that the Hōjō had "performed a very mean act". Kenshin added, "I do not fight with salt, but with the sword"."
- ↑ The word HiMERU uses here, 分身, has some other meanings, such as "alter ego" and "other self", as well as being related to doppelgängers and cloning. It can also relate to the Buddha, something I found interesting given the other allusions to Buddhism earlier in the story.
- ↑ This is referring to the Japanese version of a pinky promise, the full rhyme goes like this: "Pinky swear, whoever lies will be made to swallow a thousand needles." Also, through this story, I found out that "harisenbon" (thousand needles) also refers to porcupinefish, which seems relevant to Kanata.