Lucky Scramble

Scramble DaysIncreases the Dance of Sparkle cards
Leap of FortuneIncreases the score
Destiny's DoubtIncreases the drop rate of Large Red Stat Pieces

Fortune-Telling TV ShowIncreases all stats of Brilliant cards
Fortune and CuriosityIncreases the score
Destiny's PursuitIncreases the drop rate of Small Blue Stat Pieces

A Fortuitous Food EncounterIncreases the Dance of Flash cards
Lucky MealIncreases the score
Destiny's HopeDecreases the amount that Voltage lowers after a Bad/Miss

Fortune of Happening To Be ThereIncreases the Performance of Glitter cards
Share of the Good FortuneIncreases the score
Destiny and ExpectationsIncreases the drop rate of Small Yellow Stat Pieces
A Handsome Man In A Vortex Of Good Luck
Chapter 1
Season: Winter
Location: Fortune-Telling Program Set
"Good afternoon, everybody. The fortune-telling variety show, "Idol-san, may I tell your fortune?" is about to begin~♪"
"In this program, various fortune-telling techniques, both ancient and modern, will be used to predict the fortunes of the idols invited to the studio."
"The MC will be the leader of UNDEAD—and the demon king who invites you into the black of night, Sakuma Rei."
"By the way. Some viewers may be wondering why I am the MC of this program."
"When it comes to an idol who does fortune-telling, there is an idol named Sakasaki Natsume-kun, isn't there... Well, it's quite natural to think so."
"However, that boy has his own full-fledged fortune-telling show. He cannot hold two jobs at the same time, so that is why I've been invited on this occasion ♪"
""There are many different kinds of Fortune-telling, and I'm looking forward to seeing what kind of fortune-telling Rei-niisan will Encounter.""
"And so on, I received some words of encouragement. However, this is not the time to talk about such behind-the-scenes matters."
"Now, let me give you a serious overview of this program."
"As I explained earlier. This "Idol-san, may I tell your fortune?" is a program that predicts the fortunes of popular idols invited as guests."
"I'd say it's nothing more and nothing less than that..."
"The main characteristic of this variety show is that each guest tries out different methods of fortune-telling."
"This time, the fortune-telling method is also innovative, and the guest's reaction is something to look forward to ♪"
"...And that's about it. Now, everyone, let us invite our guest."
"From Crazy:B, HiMERU-kun's coming up...☆"
"—Greetings, everyone. This is HiMERU from Cosmic Production."
"How will HiMERU's fortune be determined? And what kind of results will be obtained...?"
"Fufu. The thought of it makes HiMERU a little nervous."
"You do not seem very nervous, though, do you? If anything, you appear rather calm."
"HiMERU was looking forward to having his fortune told. Perhaps that feeling is reflected in his facial expressions."
"Hoho, I'm pleased to hear that you are open to having your fortune told. It's always rewarding to make progress as an MC ♪"
"For HiMERU-kun's sake, I think it is time to invite in the fortune teller for this evening."
"—HiMERU has heard that the fortune-telling method and the fortune-teller will be announced on the day of the event. What kind of person will it be?"
"You'll see... No, you'll just have to meet him ♪"
"O~i, Inaba-kun, the White Rabbit~!"
(Inaba-kun, the White Rabbit...?)
"Ohh, a very adorable rabbit has made an entrance ♪ This is the famous fortune-telling rabbit, Inaba-kun, the White Rabbit. Clap your hands~☆"
"............ (Claps as he was told)"
"Inaba-kun, the White Rabbit, is a popular fortune-telling rabbit who is now a hot topic on SNS, video sites, and social media!"
"Inaba-kun is a very cute rabbit who is reputed to bring happiness to everyone who receives fortune-telling from him."
"The amount of food he eats, whether he sniffs or not, whether he grooms or not, and so on. Inaba-kun has various methods of divination..."
"This time, we're going to see how close he gets to HiMERU-kun in eight seconds from the time the cage is opened ♪"
"Eight seconds, to get close...? Apologies, HiMERU can't imagine what kind of fortune-telling it is."
"Hey now, no need to get timid."
"HiMERU-kun will sit on a chair in the center of the studio and wait for Inaba-kun. Then the door to the cage containing Inaba-kun will be opened..."
"How close will Inaba-kun get to HiMERU-kun during the eight seconds? How much distance will be reduced—?"
"The proximity of the two is the result of the fortune-telling. By the way, the closer they are, the better HiMERU-kun's fortune will be ♪"
"—HiMERU doesn't fully understand, but he will accept it for the moment."
"HiMERU will just sit on that chair and wait to see if Inaba-san approaches him."
"Yes, that is exactly right ♪ Then stand by, please."
(...Just now, was HiMERU simply imagining that the rabbit was staring at him with a strange intensity?)
(He is not the type of person that animals like, nor does he have a scent that attracts them...)
"...Hm. HiMERU-kun and Inaba-kun seem to be ready to go."
"Now, before we start the fortune-telling. How does HiMERU-kun feel right now?"
"—HiMERU never expected a rabbit to be able to tell his fortune."
"He hopes he gets as close as possible and to achieve a good result. HiMERU is looking forward to seeing how things will turn out."
"...Kukuku. Well then—"
"Inaba-kun's cage, open!"
(Hey, wait! That rabbit, didn't it rush toward HiMERU as soon as the cage opened?!)
(This is more than just approaching, it's more like he's charging in...!)
"Ohh, what a surprise! Inaba-kun, in less than eight seconds you are on HiMERU-kun's lap..."
"Jumped and landed beautifully~!"
"Even his owner, who is accompanying him, looks astonished at this!"
(A rabbit is relaxing on HiMERU's lap... What kind of scene is this?)
"Ahaha... You look so cute, Inaba-san."
"...An unexpected result, a close-in reading by Inaba-kun."
"According to his owner, this is the first time Inaba-kun has jumped on someone's lap after meeting for the first time."
"In other words, this is the best result of the close-in fortune-telling. Therefore, HiMERU-kun must have great luck... That's right."
"...The owner also said, "You'll have prepare yourself for the whole day tomorrow.""
"—Prepare? What kind of luck could be so good that you have to be prepared for it?"
"Who knows? I cannot predict it either, but it's kind of exciting, is it not?"
"...And so, "Idol-san, may I tell your fortune?" is about to end."
"What type of luck will come to HiMERU-kun, and what kind of luck is good enough to warrant preparation—?"
"We shall hear more about it on another occassion...♪"
"See you next time. With Sakuma Rei and Inaba-kun the White Rabbit. And..."
"...HiMERU, too. He looks forward to seeing you all again on this program."
(—That said... Good fortune does not come by so easily.)
(It would be a blessing if something happens that HiMERU can talk about next time he appears in an episode.)
............ (Gazing at Inaba-kun on his lap)
(Rather... Just how long is this rabbit going to stay on HiMERU's lap...?)
Chapter 2
Location: TV Station Dressing Room
After the recording.
...Thank you for your hard work, Sakuma-senpai.
Same to you, HiMERU-kun. Inaba-kun did not want to leave you at all, was that not hard for you?
Yes, well... HiMERU didn't think he would become so attached to him.
The owner was amazed from start to finish. Saying "You will be lucky for sure!" again and again...
That sure is what they said... That Inaba-kun, is he such a powerful rabbit?
Inaba-kun did not want to get away from you after the recording, so I tried to get close to him, but...
He only threatened me.
It is saddening. Even though I have had the experience of being surprisingly favored by rabbits before...
To put it in a colloquial way. HiMERU may just happen to be Inaba-san's type.
...The idea that one can predict good or bad luck based on a rabbit's preferences and gestures is strange, though.
I suppose. "Even if Inaba-kun doesn't like you, it probably won't bring you any misfortune..." The owner's words are a little concerning.
But there is no use in worrying too much. If I suffer from misfortune, I'll just suck1 the good fortune out of HiMERU-kun to balance it out.
—HiMERU doesn't think that any good luck will truly come to him, though.
You do not believe in Inaba-kun's fortune-telling?
It's hard to believe. Because in the end, it's just a phenomenon without any support or evidence.
...Well then, HiMERU will take his leave now.
Alright, I shall be leaving as well. Let us both be careful on our way home at night...♪
Location: Seisoukan (Exterior)
(Oh, is HiMERU already in front of Seisoukan?)
(From the TV station to Seisoukan, it usually takes about ten more minutes...)
(Thinking back, HiMERU never got stuck at any traffic lights. He was able to go straight through the three-way and five-way junctions where he usually has to wait.)
(Seems like it was a stroke of luck that there were only green lights every time.)
—No, no way. It's just a series of coincidences.
Daring to use such a ridiculous expression. It's rare, but it happens.
Location: Seisoukan Dorm Room
Uu, u~myu...?
—HiMERU is home.
Ah, HiMERU-san. Welcome home! Sorry for looking like this.
It's fine. Although it's a shared dormitory, it is also your room, so it's natural that you should feel at home.
No, it's too much of a distraction to just lounge around on the bed in front of a senior. I'll sit up... Here we go.
Fufu. Nagumo is a very earnest person who keeps a diligent attitude towards life, how admirable.
By the way. You seemed to be glaring at your smartphone. Did something happen?
Umm... I'm embarrassed to say this, but...
Actually, there's a character in the game I'm playing right now that I really wanna pull! It's this character...
Oh. Somehow, he looks like someone familiar.
That's right! This character's just like Taishou, who I respect the most in the world!
So I really wanna get him, but I'm worried about spending money on the game 'cause it's against my allowance rules for this month...!
It's a good thing that you have trained your mind enough to control yourself.
But I really want him! I want Taishou in my party~!
—HiMERU is unsure of how the game functions. If you want him so badly, why don't you just pull him?
Do you have to pay to get the character?
Umm, there're tickets. But, I've spent a lot of the tickets that I've saved up...
I have no choice but to spend the remaining ten tickets! I want it so much that I have a feeling it'll backfire~!
...That's why, HiMERU-san!
I want you to use the ten tickets for me!
? Are you sure you want to leave it to HiMERU?
Yes! I won't complain no matter what the result is, so please do it in my place...!
—Understood. HiMERU doesn't think the substitution will change the result, however. At any rate, let's pull it.
......... (Intently looking at the phone's screen)
Hmm? The load time is really long, isn't it?
Oh, it's starting... Eeeehh?! What's this screen?! I've never seen so many rainbow lights!
Indeed, the rainbow-colored lights seem to occupy 80% of the results.
Now all we have to do is see which characters were pulled, in order—
Wah, aaahhhh! Here! He's here, HiMERU-san, Taishou's here~!
...So it seems. You got the character you wanted, congratulations, Nagumo.
What're you talking about! HiMERU-san pulled for me!
I can't believe I got all the other characters I wanted...! This result's incredible!
I can't thank you enough times! HiMERU-san, thank you so much!
No, it is just a coincidence. HiMERU is sure that it's simply because of how many tickets Nagumo had used so far.
Is that so~? To me, you were lucky!
I'm grateful for HiMERU-san's good luck...♪
("Luck" again?)
? What's wrong?
...No, nothing. It's just that this has been a day in which HiMERU heard the word "luck" many times.
Actually, today, he recorded a TV program—
Chapter 3
Location: Break Room
The next day.
(A luxury blend coffee exclusively available in these vending machines... HiMERU will buy it.)
(...Mm? Come to think of it, this vending machine comes with a prize. The roulette is spinning.)
8, 8, 8—8?
(Amazing, all the numbers are in order.... But now is not the time for leisure. Once HiMERU has won, he has to choose another drink.)
(But for HiMERU, this one coffee is enough... Hm?)
—Hakaze-senpai, you're just in time.
HiMERU-kun? You want something from me?
HiMERU won the vending machine roulette. He has to choose a product in about twenty seconds...
Could you please choose a drink to your liking and accept it?
What? I get to choose~? The time limit will be up while I'm at a loss.
Well, I'll take your word for it... I'll get this juice ♪
I'm sorry that you had to give it to me when I was just passing by.
No, it was simply more than what HiMERU bargained for. It was a relief to come across Hakaze-senpai.
But still... I've never seen a vending machine with a perfect roulette wheel. I guess you can win at this kind of thing.
HiMERU also did not expect to win. And it should not be a high probability, either.
You're lucky, aren't you? Could it be the power of Inaba-kun, the White Rabbit? ♪
...Why do you know that name, Hakaze-senpai?
I heard about it last night as I talked with Rei-kun when he came home. "Something like this happened in today's recording~", he said.
When I heard about it, all I could think was that it must be a strange feeling to have a rabbit tell your fortune.
And so, when I actually come across HiMERU-kun experiencing good luck... "What if the fortune-telling was right...?" I can't help but think that~
So that's how it is. It is true, but even though he got a strange feeling when Inaba-san jumped onto HiMERU's lap...
HiMERU does not believe that the divination will bring him immense fortune.
The way he won the roulette in the vending machine was also nothing more than a coincidence... He considers it just a low-probability event that he encountered.
Really? I think you'd have more fun if you thought of yourself as lucky.
I mean. You just said "also" about winning the roulette. Could it be that you had some other lucky break?
—Nothing that can be called immense fortune.
However, on the way home from the TV station last night, HiMERU didn't get stuck at a traffic light even once.
And in the game Nagumo was playing, he got what might be called a "godly pull". But that's about it.
Huh, so then you did get other lucky breaks.
So, it means that you might be in for a big stroke of good luck from now on, right~? Because they even told you to be prepared for the whole day tomorrow, didn't they?
So you know that much.
Ahaha, sorry? Rei-kun talks, and I'm a good listener ♪
...Oh, that's right. Didn't they recently put bags of random sweets that you can win in the break room?
Yes, they did. Such as candies and chewing gum that you can find in a candy store.
How about trying your luck with it?
Well, though I wouldn't call it "immense fortune" if you're just winning some cheap candy.
—Alright. As a token of gratitude for accepting the juice, HiMERU will go along with your idea.
Okay, so... Candy, chewing gum, chocolate, gummies. It doesn't matter which ones, let's draw a few at random.
Well then...
Whoa? Without looking, you grabbed what was at the very top.
HiMERU thought it might not be a pure test of luck if he examined them too carefully.
That's true, too. If you really are lucky, you should be right no matter which one you take.
HiMERU himself doesn't believe it, but that's the way it is. Let's open them now.
Okay. These things have a label inside the bag or package that says if it's a winner or not~
Wow, the gummy I just opened is a winner! How about you, HiMERU-kun?
...Candy and chocolate, both are winners.
Eh? Hold on a sec. I'll try to open the chewing gum that hasn't been opened yet—
...No way. I know I'm the one who suggested this, but this is an unexpected turn of events, isn't it?
—HiMERU, too, is honestly at a loss on how to comment on such a series of coincidences.
I wonder if it's just a coincidence... Don't you think your good luck has started after all, HiMERU-kun?
No, it is just a coincidence. In the first place, we don't know how many of these candies there are, or how many of them are winners.
Mmm... I just opened some gummies and chocolates, and they were both "losers".
"I thought I could ride on this wave...!" That's what I thought, so I'm a little disappointed.
...And that's the state I'm in. But you don't seem to be pleased with all these wins.
I could feel it in every word. HiMERU-kun, are you the type of person who doesn't believe in fortune-telling, no matter how good the results are?
...That may be the case.
One's words and actions are not necessarily those of another person or third party—In the current situation, it's fortune-telling...
HiMERU doesn't feel comfortable being perceived in a fixed way by forces outside of him or by something he can't see.
"HiMERU" is the only one who can decide for "HiMERU".
Hmm... Is that what HiMERU-kun's policy is?
Well, everyone has their own way of thinking. If you're going to stick to it just being coincidence, so be it.
Ah~! HiMERU-senpai, there you are...!
I finally found him! Sakuma-senpai, this way!
Chapter 4
Location: Sky Garden
Alright, alright~ We shouldn't be noisy indoors, so let's all go outside even though it's a little cold~
It would be a nuisance to the people who were there. HiMERU will hear out your concerns here.
Thank you so much!
But, why was Kaoru-kun together with HiMERU-kun?
We happened to meet by chance and he treated me to some juice~♪
I followed you guys to the sky garden because I was curious about everyone, and also because Rei-kun was there.
Well, even though it was a sudden situation, Hakaze-senpai was very helpful in managing it.
HiMERU has no idea why you all came to him.
We heard a rumor about HiMERU-senpai in the dorms so we came looking for you!
That's right! We talked about borrowing the strength of HiMERU-senpai's incredible power...!
The same goes for me. It seems that the time has come for me to suck that power out of HiMERU-kun, has it not?
There's a rumor about HiMERU in the dormitory...? What in the world does that mean?
Hmm~ The mention of the word "power" suggests that the topic is related to HiMERU-kun's good fortune, doesn't it?
To start with, let's go in order from the youngest to the oldest and ask what they want. We'll begin with Aira-kun.
The raffle results of the ticket for a Live I really want to go to are being announced soon. Every night I've been anxious that I won't win...
Last night, when I couldn't fall asleep, Sakuma-senpai told me about his recording session with HiMERU-senpai!
After I heard about it, I knew I had to ask HiMERU-senpai to share his luck with me...!
That's why, I came here to worship! I pray that I win the ticket for the Live!
...You're really praying to him. Has HiMERU become a temple or a shrine?
Aira-kun clasped both hands together for HiMERU-kun... Okay, next, Tomoya-kun.
This morning, I saw Tetora in a strange mood in the dorm kitchen.
When I asked him if something happened, he told me that HiMERU-senpai gave him a "godly pull" last night, and that he had incredible luck.
I have an audition later on today that I can't afford to fail and I really want to pass it!
I prepared carefully and did the best I could. Please, can you at least let me hold your hand?!
HiMERU doesn't think you're going to get any benefit from holding his hand... But if it's just a handshake, go ahead.
Thank you so much! Somehow, I feel more courageous! I'm going to do my best for the audition!
I've also got a feeling that I'm going to win after worshipping HiMERU-senpai! I'll pray for a good seat too ♪
Thank you so much!
Both of them left after worshipping HiMERU-kun as much as they could.
Well~ They are young. It's nice to see that they're straightforward about their dreams and what they like. I think that's healthy~
—HiMERU is puzzled by the fact that he's being treated like a good luck charm.
Or rather. It's not that he believes in fortune-telling, but wasn't it supposed to be about HiMERU's own good luck?
Mhm. What about it?
So far, HiMERU himself has not experienced much good fortune.
Like Nagumo last night and Mashiro and Shiratori now... It seems more like a situation of giving good luck to others.
That's true. Well, we don't know if Tomoya-kun and Aira-kun will actually have good luck yet~
—Perhaps Inaba-san didn't want HiMERU himself to be lucky. Did he rush toward him to indicate that HiMERU would become a deity of good fortune?
According to the owner, HiMERU-kun should be the lucky one, correct? In reality, only Inaba-kun may know the truth.
Hey, sorry to interrupt your Inaba-kun talk, but...
What did you want with HiMERU-kun, Rei-kun? You said something about sucking out his power.
Oh, that's right. Listen up, you two.
...The truth is, I have been continually suffering from simple misfortunes since last night~!
What do you mean by "simple misfortunes"...?
First of all, I hit my pinky toe on the door as soon as I got home...
Woah, it is simple, but very painful.
And then, though I noticed it right away, I mistook toothpaste for facial cleanser and washed my face with it...
That's careless. HiMERU suggests you keep those two separated.
And then the partition between my bed and Tenshouin-kun's bed suddenly fell down...!
When things like this happen one after another, it makes me nervous.
I thought that it might be because Inaba-kun hated me... So, I came here to see what HiMERU-kun's situation was like.
—HiMERU understands your circumstances, Sakuma-senpai. However, from what he has heard, he doesn't think there's anything HiMERU can do to help.
I know, right~? Aside from the partition, the first two were probably caused by Rei-kun's carelessness.
Not only that, but Ritsu has blocked all my calls?!
Eh~? That happens often, too. It has nothing to do with Inaba-kun.
Yes, HiMERU also thinks it has nothing to do with Inaba-san.
Mmgh. Well, I am aware of that, too.
Still, whether it is a fortunate or unfortunate event is not the point. When a series of coincidences of a certain kind occur, it usually shakes us up emotionally, right?
Just as I am a little depressed... I do not think you can remain indifferent about what is happening to you forever, can you?
Chapter 5
Location: Sky Garden
...So. Since it would be good to have some material for the next recording, I shall accompany HiMERU-kun for a while.
It would be easier for me to MC if I have actually seen the good fortune that comes to HiMERU-kun, would it not?
If anything happens, we may be able to make an episode out of our day together.
—Hm. It's an excellent proposal, and hard to refuse.
HiMERU-kun, sorry~ Rei-kun's way of doing things is very pushy.
I think that this person probably has the ulterior motive of preventing himself from facing more "simple misfortunes".
My, my, what are you talking about. I do not have the slightest intention of doing so.
No way, you're at the very least thinking about it.
Fufu. So pushy... Well, there already is someone in HiMERU's unit who is cunning and willing to use aggressive tactics...
So in that respect, HiMERU isn't concerned.
Ah~ I see. Someone persuasive.
HiMERU was just thinking about what would happen if that person heard about his good fortune...
If he heard the rumors and found him, HiMERU would be forcibly dragged to wherever he wanted to go.
So, HiMERU is going into town in order to avert a crisis. If you still want to go with him, feel free to do so.
Kukuku. Then, I shall take his word for it and accompany HiMERU-kun ♪
Hmm~ Now that we've been together this long, I'm starting to get invested in what's going on here, too.
I don't want to intrude, but can I come with you?
Yes. HiMERU doesn't particularly mind, so do as you wish, Hakaze-senpai.
(—As for what's to come... HiMERU doesn't know how lucky he will be, nor does HiMERU believe in it.)
Location: Shopping Mall 1F
(ーWhat... is this?)
(In the exact moment HiMERU stepped into the shopping mall... He thought he heard something in the sky above him, and then paper tape and confetti started falling...)
(From all directions, he can hear the sound of fanfare and crackers.)
(What on earth did HiMERU do? No, what on earth, is happening to HiMERU...?)
Ohh... An enthusiastic welcome. This is the first time I have ever seen such a thing ♪
Me too, me too. It's amazing that the number of visitors reached five million~♪
Well, the most amazing of all is HiMERU-kun, who was the five millionth visitor.
...Umm, and you are? Are you the general manager of this shopping mall?
You wish to gift HiMERU a bouquet of flowers and souvenirs? Sigh, thank you very much...
Instead of looking so confused, you should go "Yay! ☆" and be happier about it. After all, you're the five millionth visitor, correct?
To tell the truth, the applause and congratulations from the general public is confusing. Isn't HiMERU being obnoxious?
Under the circumstances, it's no wonder that you're the center of attention. More importantly, look, it seems that the general manager brought you a souvenir.
(—HiMERU cannot ignore them, so he will just take what he has to take and leave quickly.)
...... (Receives the souvenir)
—Thank you for your time. HiMERU wishes you great success in your shopping mall.
He will visit again.
Location: Downtown
HiMERU-kun, what are you going to purchase in this store?
Socks. It has been especially cold recently, so HiMERU wanted to prepare two more pairs of socks for the winter.
Oh, it's that brand. I like it a lot. It's a good combination of design and functionality ♪
Yes. HiMERU also likes that.
—Ah, apologies. Payments are made through electronic money.
...Mm? What was that sound?
It was HiMERU's smartphone. "Full Returns! Jackpot!"...?
Isn't that from the e-money campaign? Amazing, how is it possible to win the full amount of money back?
I've only ever won up to 5% of the returns. HiMERU-kun, you really are lucky today, aren't you?
Location: Saison Avenue
...Hmm. HiMERU-kun was very good here as well.
I never thought anyone could win so many prizes in just a few attempts.
(Why. Why do these strange things keep happening...?)
Chapter 6
Location: Saison Avenue
But you know. This series is real popular in the dorms right now, and I'm sure there are kids who’d want the figure that you won, right, HiMERU-kun?
—That's right. Oukawa mentioned that he also read the original manga, which is why HiMERU decided to pull for it.
But it was not supposed to be like this. HiMERU would have been satisfied with receiving some of the smaller prizes.
He even made sure he paid with cash this time, not with electronic money...
And the change was 777 yen ♪
That was only possible because HiMERU-kun bought a tablet along with the lottery~
The clerk was so surprised that his eyes were rolling backwards. Even the customers in line behind me were clapping their hands.
He told HiMERU, "You are very lucky, sir!"...
I guess it was a first experience for the clerk, too, right? Compared to HiMERU-kun, both Rei-kun and I got poor results.
Mhm. We tried a few times to take advantage of HiMERU-kun's luck. But all we got were the smaller prizes.
By the way, I will give the smaller prize I won, a coaster, to HiMERU-kun as a present ♪
That's... thank you...
You must be feeling your good luck by now, HiMERU-kun. Why do you look so gloomy?
—Even when HiMERU is told that he is "lucky", he doesn't really feel like he is.
In the shopping mall, HiMERU was only walking at the back because he thought it would be impolite to walk in front of his seniors.
If the order of entry had been different, one of you would have been the five millionth visitor.
As for the raffle draw at this convenience store, HiMERU grabbed all of his tickets from the bottom of the box.
It is possible that the tickets themselves were not mixed well, and the top prizes, including the special prize, were just concentrated there.
You insist on asserting that it is all about probability theory. You're composed, or maybe stubborn...
Let us ask HiMERU-kun, who goes to such lengths to avoid being aware of his good fortune.
...Do coincidences pile up and become inevitable? Are there no coincidences in this world, and everything is inevitable? What do you think, HiMERU-kun?
—In addition to coincidence and inevitability, HiMERU believes that there is fate and the unexpected in everything.
HiMERU knew this could happen, but it wasn't supposed to be this way. He thinks that these things cannot be measured only by coincidence or inevitability.
You keep dodging~ Well, we're aware of HiMERU-kun's good luck, even if he refuses to recognize it.
...Anyway. It's past noon, what will the seniors be doing for lunch—......
Look out!
You okay? If you hadn't stopped to look at your watch, you would've been hit by that bicycle.
...Is that so. HiMERU is glad he didn't get into an accident.
Good thing HiMERU "coincidentally" checked the time.
...You could have been seriously injured, but this time it was just another "coincidence"?
From the outside, it looks like a wave of good fortune coming your way.
If it is a wave, HiMERU hope it recedes soon. He doesn't want to be pushed in any further.
Ahaha. Are you fed up with being pushed around by your good luck?
It's true that now HiMERU-kun seems to be a person who will encounter good fortune just by walking around.
It is like the saying goes. "Where HiMERU-kun walks, luck will follow"2...♪
Please stop. The luck so far... No, it's true that HiMERU has been swept up in incidents.
And. If HiMERU could get the luck he desires, he might feel happy...
But up to this point, there is only the feeling of being dragged into events—
W-What is the matter?
HiMERU suddenly felt a weight at his feet... Or rather, something suddenly grabbed him...!
(HiMERU said he hoped it would recede soon, but he didn't expect the opposite of good fortune to suddenly happen...?)
...lp, me...
Hi-HiMERU-kun... Help me, please...
(Thud) Gh~...
Shiina, hold it together! Shiina...!
Location: Diner
(Munch munch munch munch)... (Gulp)!
(Munch munch munch), (Gulp gulp)! (Chomp chomp)...!
—Shiina. HiMERU knows you're hungry, but please eat with more composure. It is unseemly to have sauce on the corner of your mouth.
Yes, sir! I will listen to what the man who saved my life says!
Munch, munch... (Chewing slowly)
—That's an exaggeration. HiMERU doesn't think you should use a grandiose expression such as "the man who saved my life" so casually.
...(Gulp). No way, I'm not exaggerating or making a big deal out of it.
If I hadn't found HiMERU-kun... And now, if I hadn't been treated to food by HiMERU-kun like this...
I'd be in a lot of trouble right now.
Chapter 7
Location: Diner
I accidentally left my wallet and phone behind when I went out. I couldn't go shopping, and I was too hungry to go back to the dorms.
While I was in a daze, I heard a familiar voice...
I'm glad I was able to grab your leg before hunger got the better of me, HiMERU-kun!
HiMERU was wondering what on earth could have happened...
I know, right~? Because when we looked down at our feet, we saw Shiina-kun on the verge of collapse.
...I was surprised at that, too. And I am also surprised at the amount of food Shiina-kun can eat.
Really? This is normal, right?
By the way, I've tasted everything before eating, so there's no need to worry about it!
My goodness... Dear me, just looking at it makes me feel full.
I mean. I'd be more surprised about HiMERU-kun than me! Did you see the lottery results attached to the package?!
If the campaign is to win between a free ticket and a discount ticket in a lottery, normally most of the tickets should be discount tickets—
But every time he flipped a ticket, he got a free one! With this many free tickets, you can have infinite french fries!
The exchange period will start at a later date, so you can't use them now, Shiina.
Oh, that's right. I guess I'll have to wait for the infinite fries another time, unfortunately... Munch munch
See?! Let's talk more about the results. This is too much luck, you know.
Well, considering HiMERU-kun's good fortune today, perhaps it's to be expected...
? HiMERU-kun's good fortune?
Come to think of it, why are you two with HiMERU-kun? It's an unusual combination, isn't it?
Kukuku. It is a long tale, would you like to hear it?
Nah, I'm busy eating, so please make it quick.
—Let HiMERU explain. It's not a big deal...
A few minutes later.
Huuh, so something like that really happened?
But I understand why HiMERU-kun went out to town. If he got caught by Rinne-kun, I'm sure it'd be bad for me too.
Would it really be as bad as you say?
After all, high school students can't enter pachinko parlors, and they can't buy betting tickets because they're under the age of 20... I think there'd be many restrictions.
He'd use every possible trick to get through them.
That man is Amagi, after all.
I'm sure he'd be happy to drag HiMERU-kun around with him, and take advantage of his good luck by squeezing it out of him.
I have heard a lot of things said about him from other people...
Nahaha. I wonder if Rinne-kun is sneezing somewhere because of the gossip we spread about him~
...Shiina. You don't have to split the free tickets. HiMERU will give them all to you.
Ehh, why?! Don't you wanna have infinite fries?!
HiMERU is concerned about the carbohydrates and calories. And besides, you would be happier if you got to enjoy the french fries, Shiina.
I'm seriously super grateful, but... HiMERU-kun, you don't seem to be happy after winning so much.
Listening to the story, I felt that you weren't happy at all, even though you must've had a bunch of good luck.
That's right~ HiMERU-kun has been composed like this the whole time.
If someone said to me, "You are the five millionth visitor!" I'd be so happy and be like, "For real~?!"
Even if that didn't happen, I think I'd feel happy if someone just congratulated me.
And what's more, these free tickets! The thought of infinite fries awaiting me makes my heart skip a beat and my chest pound!
—HiMERU is glad that Shiina is happy.
...But you're not saying that you're "also" happy. I want HiMERU-kun to be happy, too.
HiMERU-kun, why isn't your heart pounding with excitement?
...I thought it was strange, too, so I asked him about it. But in the end, I didn't get an answer.
"I've not had the luck I desire..." He said something along those lines before meeting with Shiina-kun.
Hmm? So if HiMERU-kun gets the luck he desires, he'll also be happy, right?
The luck for HiMERU-kun, the luck that HiMERU-kun wants to have. What exactly is it?
—For example, let's say this.
Suppose HiMERU finds a hat to his liking on this particular day. Or, suppose that he finds a delicious cup of coffee.
Due to that good encounter, HiMERU would have the feeling of joy that Shiina describes... He would be happy.
But that's because HiMERU usually collects hats and drinks a lot of coffee...
It's because it's what he likes. A good hat, a good cup of coffee.
It is not luck that makes him think he has found "something good". HiMERU's happiness is based on his tastes and preferences.
...Mmm~? Is it like when people who don't like spicy food aren't happy when they're offered all-you-can-eat spicy food?
Just because you can eat to your heart's content doesn't mean you have to be happy about it.
...Fufu. It's a Shiina-like way of thinking, but it's not wrong.
If HiMERU had met him by chance on his travels, he might have felt "lucky"...
Time is running out for HiMERU to embark on a journey to see if such an event could be a blessing in disguise.
After all, it's only today that HiMERU will be extremely lucky.
...I've never thought about it like that before. Even though he's younger than us, HiMERU-kun thinks like an adult.
I'm sorry for getting excited around you even though I was just tagging along. It must've been annoying.
That is unthinkable. HiMERU appreciates the fact that you were happy on his behalf. He didn't want to ruin the occasion.
Besides. It may not have been the best of luck for HiMERU, but it was surprisingly not bad.
It seems that there were moments in which the seniors had fun and were happy. Shiina was also pleased.
Everywhere we went, people congratulated HiMERU. Everyone had a smile on their face.
Bringing smiles to many people's faces is a great honor for an idol.
Kukuku... As expected, you expertly dodged and put an end to the conversation, didn't you?
In the end, we still do not know what good fortune is for HiMERU-kun.
For now, I think it is good to hear HiMERU-kun say that he is happy to see the smiles of those around him as an idol ♪
Chapter 8
Location: Market Street
In the afternoon.
Man~ I'm sorry you ended up having to shop with me.
No need. It would be a hassle to go all the way back to Seisoukan to get your wallet and phone.
I always get a receipt at every store! Do the math when you get home, I'll pay you exactly what I owe you.
Unlike Rinne-kun, I'm a person who returns money!
—Shouldn't Shiina be more serious about getting Amagi to pay up?
More importantly, HiMERU-kun, aren't your bags too heavy?
Hakaze-kun and Rei-kun3, who went back to the dorms first, took the souvenirs and raffle prizes...
But for some reason, the shopkeepers always gave us freebies no matter what we bought. My bags are getting bigger and bigger!
...It's not light. But it's not too much to handle, so it's not a problem.
All these extras are also thanks to your good luck, aren't they~?
I should be a regular customer because I visit the shopping district on days when meat, fish and vegetables are cheap.
And yet, I've never had so many extras in my life...!
That's good. HiMERU is looking forward to seeing Shiina's cooking skills with these ingredients.
Leave it to me ♪ I'll make anything you like!
...Oh, right. Come to think of it, didn't you get a ticket for a lottery earlier?
Yes, the special prize is a couples ticket for a trip to a hot spring... HiMERU supposes he should draw it before going home.
With the circumstances you've had today, you could probably win the special prize, right?
It would be troublesome if HiMERU won the couples ticket, since he would have no one to go with. Aren't there any more useful prizes?
There seems to be a list of prizes posted at the lottery venue over there.
Let's see...?
......... (Looking at the list of prizes)
—Ah, aaaahhhh!
HiMERU-kun, HiMERU-kun, HiMERU-kun!
What is it? No need to say it thrice.
Please look at the first prize! It says "premium beef for sukiyaki"!
...Hm. The lineup of the prizes looks quite impressive, they even have some of the latest video game consoles.
No matter how you look at it, the premium beef for sukiyaki is the most luxurious prize! After all, it fills our stomachs!
The couples ticket and the latest game consoles won't fill your stomach. Therefore, the best one's the premium beef!
That's a biased argument...
—Shiina, do you want the premium beef?
Of course I do!
...But, you paid for all the shopping.
If the lottery ticket was obtained with your money, it's meaningless if you don't get what you want, HiMERU-kun.
...Fufu. When you least expect it, HiMERU's luck might run out, and he may only get a tissue as a participation prize.
If tissues are what you want, so be it...?
—In any case. If HiMERU won the premium beef, what would Shiina want to do with it?
Eh? Umm~... As long as you're okay with it...
Sure enough, I'd like to use it for a sukiyaki party with the Crazy:B members.
...... Is that so.
(...Looking back on the day, if HiMERU were to draw the lottery now, there's a good chance he would win the best prize.)
(But, instead of some couples ticket he'd have no use for...)
(No matter how noisy the place gets, HiMERU would rather take time out of his day to accompany them.)
(A dinner party with Crazy:B would be more meaningful—and a happier time.)
—HiMERU hopes that at least in the end, he gets what he wants.
...Pardon, HiMERU would like to draw lots. Yes, one ticket.
......... (Holds the lever of the lottery machine and turns it slowly)
A bell rang, which means it's a win...? But what's with the yellow ball? What's the prize?
...Fourth prize. The prize is the latest electric kettle.
It seems that the prizes can be picked up here and taken home. HiMERU's bags have gotten heavier.
Electric kettle...
HiMERU was trying to win the premium beef for the sukiyaki party. It seems his luck really was running out.
Apologies, Shiina. HiMERU must have disappointed you.
...No, it's okay. Your face looks a little relieved, HiMERU-kun.
? Does it look that way to you?
Yeah. I think if HiMERU-kun had won the special prize today, he would have looked at me with a "not again" look on his face.
Even if they're all lucky events, it's exhausting to be pushed around all the time.
...That's right. As Shiina said, HiMERU feels somewhat relieved. It's like a curse has been lifted...
But he is sorry to Shiina for being unable to get him the premium beef.
Don't worry about me, I'm fine.
I was thinking how fun it would be to have a sukiyaki party with everyone, and how delicious it would be to eat premium beef...
But now I'm thinking about what to cook besides sukiyaki, and what to make for the end of the meal!
Fufu. HiMERU can see through the brave front you're putting on for his sake, Shiina.
—Well then, HiMERU has a proposal for Shiina. Why don't we stop by one more place before going home?
Chapter 9
Location: Seisoukan Common Room
That night.
Oi, oi. The New Year's event's already passed, so what's up with this dining table?
Is today a celebration of somethin'? Sukiyaki with premium beef, ain't it too luxurious?
Eh? It's sukiyaki 'cos Rinne-han won at gamblin', ain't it? I thought it was the same pattern as usual...
Hmhm ♪ HiMERU-kun and I bought this meat ♪
(Whisper) Well, HiMERU-kun paid for the full amount at the butcher's. I paid half after I got back home...
(Whisper) As long as you returned the amount of money used for your regular shopping, HiMERU would've been fine with paying for the beef at his expense.
(Whisper) That's not how it works! I can't make you pay the full amount, since it was me who wanted to eat it!
What're ya whisperin' about, the two of ya.
Rather, what's the real reason for the sukiyaki? Did somethin' good happen?
—You could say that.
At the lottery in the shopping district, HiMERU was hoping to win the first prize, some premium beef, just as Shiina had wanted...
But as you can see, the prize obtained was the fourth prize, an electric kettle. Though it's true that it is a good one.
That ain't an answer. The question is, why'd you go outta your way to buy premium sukiyaki beef with your own money?
Hey, I paid for it too!
Shuddup. Who'd question your decision to pay for food at this point?
I can imagine Niki's disappointment at not winning the premium beef. But how's that a reason for you to cut your own expenses, Merumeru?
How rude...
Is it so unnatural for HiMERU to want to fulfill Shiina's wish of "a sukiyaki party with everyone in Crazy:B"?
It is unnatural. Merumeru ain't that kind of character.
—Well then. Let's just say that there are days in which HiMERU also wants to eat sukiyaki with everyone.
Never heard of such a day.
...Huuh, this's amazin'. It boils the water to the temperature I set.
Let's see...
Hm, this is indeed the latest model. It has the capability of retaining warmth, and the temperature is shown on the display of the machine.
...Tch, he's just dodgin' the question.
I'll make y'all some tea right away. Let's all have a drink while the food's cookin'.
Nahaha. Kohaku-chan, the newest electric kettle's got you real happy~
I'm just amazed at how even tools for boilin' water can evolve like this. Here, Niki-han's tea.
Thanks. I'm almost done, so I'll drink the tea Kohaku-chan gave me and finish up.
Right, I also have some for the two of ya.
Thank you very much, Oukawa.
Thank ya, Kohaku-chan... Aah?
Look at this, Merumeru. In my tea, there's a tea stalk standin' upright!4 That's a sign of good luck, I must be a lucky guy...☆
I'd say "Good for ya", but haven't ya heard that if ya point out an upright tea stalk to another person, that good luck will be transferred to them?
Haah~? Then everyone has to forget what I just said!
(Whisper) ...HiMERU-kun.
(Whisper) What is it?
(Whisper) How's your tea? A lot's happened today, hasn't it?
(Whisper) HiMERU's tea is... It's just an ordinary, delicious green tea brewed by Oukawa.
(Whisper) I see... Does that mean that your good luck has completely settled down?
(Whisper) Yes. HiMERU hopes so.
And now you two have the nerve to whisper to yourselves again. You really have that many secrets to hide?
No? Shiina was just inquiring about what would be a good finisher to the sukiyaki.
...Ah, it smells really good. HiMERU likes these peaceful moments.
He can't wait to sit around the pot—
Location: Fortune-Telling Program Set
Some days later. Once again at the recording of the fortune-telling variety show.
"Very well then. It is time for another "Idol-san, may I tell your fortune?" this week ♪"
"The guest is, of course, the same idol as last time! Let us welcome HiMERU-kun ♪"
"Greetings, everyone. This is Crazy:B's HiMERU."
"Speaking of HiMERU-kun. It is still fresh in our memory that Inaba-kun, the White Rabbit, gave a shocking fortune-telling result last time..."
"Since then, what kind of luck have you had? Tell me and everyone else about it promptly ♪"
"That's right... After having his fortune told by Inaba-san, HiMERU's most fortunate event was..."
"...the four Crazy:B members having a delicious sukiyaki dinner."
"...Oh? As far as I am aware, you must have had much more remarkable episodes of good fortune, HiMERU-kun."
"Yes. Because of the various events that took place, HiMERU deliberately chose the reunion with the members of his unit."
"Take for example, family and friends... Those ordinary moments spent with such people are what can be called happiness."
"HiMERU is sure that everyone in the audience has had such thoughts or has spent time thinking about things of that nature."
(Hmm? Is he being sincere, or is he just speaking in broad terms to gain the audience's sympathy...?)
"...In any case, it seems that HiMERU-kun had a happy occasion ♪"
"Which methods of fortune-telling should HiMERU-kun try next, and can we see how it goes?"
"...You must be joking. The next guest should be an idol other than HiMERU, Sakuma-senpai."
"HiMERU has already had more than enough of this valuable experience."
"Kukuku. I jest, I jest ♪"
"...Incidentally, in this program, idols are expected to express their feelings after having their fortune told."
"Can HiMERU-kun, who has been through a lot, speak some words?"
"...Then, HiMERU would like to say this to all of you."
"No matter how fortunate an event is, everyone has their own way of feeling lucky... HiMERU thinks this time was an opportunity for him to realize this in a deeper manner."
"Good luck, and sometimes bad luck, may come your way. HiMERU thinks that it is up to you how you perceive those events."
"—That's why, everyone. Please cherish the time you can spend peacefully for yourselves, and enjoy your days."
Translation Notes
- ↑ The word Rei uses here (and other instances of it later on) can also be translated as “absorb”, however, I went with "suck" because the kanji in 吸い can also be found in the word for vampire (吸血鬼 lit. blood sucking devil) and it amused me greatly.
- ↑ This is a reference to the proverb, "犬も歩けば棒に当たる", which means that good luck may come unexpectedly. The literal meaning is "even a dog could be hit by a stick if walking".
- ↑ Originally, Niki says "Hakaze-kun and the others", but it felt awkard since it was just Rei. I'm unsure of how Niki refers to Rei, but since he uses "Ritsu-kun" for Ritsu, I went with this.
- ↑ This is known as 茶柱 (chabashira), a japanese good omen. This is what it looks like.