Basic Appeal Talks

Basic Appeal Talks
Compilation of Appeal Talks found in Basic courses.
Happy Elements K.K
Basic Appeal Talks
Compilation of Appeal Talks found in Basic courses. Bolded answers mean correct choices.
Happy Elements K.K
Extra Information
How To Obtain
Through playing Basic courses, there's a change to get character Appeal Talks the more you train them.

Tatsumi Appeal Talks

Appeal Talk 1

What's the matter, Producer-san? Aah, you picked up my wallet and brought it back to me.

I'm glad I was able to hand it over.

It is a valuable item, after all. God is surely watching over your good deed.

Please check what's inside.

Just because the wallet is safe, doesn't mean the contents are. ...Hm, I'm relieved to see everything is where it should be.

So you were here.

Does that mean I made you search around everywhere? I apologize, Producer-san.

Appeal Talk 2

Oh, Producer-san. Are you in trouble, perhaps?


Because your complexion doesn't look so good. If you don't mind, I can assist you. Helping lost lambs is also the duty of a priest.

I'm okay.

Is that so. If there's anything troubling you, please feel free to reach out to me anytime.

Actually, I...

I see, so you dropped your favorite pen... I'll help you look for it too.

Appeal Talk 3

Producer-san, good morning. Hm, you ask if my clothes are dirty? Aah, that's because I was in the gutter.

Why were you in a place like that...?

A child dropped their key in there, so I searched for it and picked it up for them. I'm glad that I found the key safe and sound ♪

Do you have a change of clothes?

Yes. I have a change of clothes in my office locker, so there's no need to worry.

Your hair's dirty too.

Perhaps I smell bad? I'll go wash my hair in the shower room.

HiMERU Appeal Talks

Appeal Talk 1

Oh, Producer-san. We meet here often, don't we?

Do you like to exercise?

—Yes. HiMERU likes to exercise. That's why he often works out in the training room.

That may be the case.

—HiMERU comes here because he likes to exercise, but... Hm, you're here to build physical strength, right?

I have to build up my strength.

Is it because producing is physically demanding work? Since being an idol is also physically demanding, you could say it's the same.

Appeal Talk 2

—Hello, Producer-san. HiMERU's favorite place is the resting room.

Why is it your favorite?

—Because it's "calming". Talking to you is also calming, so you're HiMERU's favorite too, Producer-san.

I like it too.

HiMERU is glad to hear that. It's a good thing to "like the same things as the producer".

If it's about it being a break room...

Are you talking about the drink stand? —HiMERU likes this one better because there's a bigger variety of snacks.

Appeal Talk 3

Producer-san. Are you worrying about the organization for the next Live?

How'd you figure it out?

Just by looking at the documents you have at hand and the movements of your gaze, Producer-san. It's a simple deduction.

It'd be helpful if I could get your opinion.

If you bring up a topic, you should present a solution, right. Understood, HiMERU will think about it too.

I wasn't worrying about it...

Oh, is that so? For HiMERU's deduction to be off the mark... It's unexpected, isn't it?