An Appraiser Appears?

The Wonders Of PerceptionIncreases the Dance of Sparkle cards
Omen Of DangerIncreases the score
Safety GuidanceIncreases the drop rate of Medium Red Stat Pieces
An Appraiser Appears?
An Appraiser Appears?
Season: Autumn
Location: Mountain Forest
It's the mountains! Mushroom picking time! And the air's super nice~!
We have been blessed with good weather. It rained just a few days ago, so this is perfect timing for mushroom picking.
I've heard that the weather in the mountains changes easily, but I hope it stays sunny all day today~
Um, are you two all right? Do you think you can go into the mountain?
It's impossible for me right now... I can't believe you and Hinata-kun are so calm, Shino-kun.
I did get scared... But, once I breathed in the mountain air, I managed to calm down a little.
Ahaha. Kazehaya-senpai's driving was so exciting, right? For me, it was like being on a ride at an amusement park, so much fun ♪
Like an amusement part, Huh...
Anyway, Midori-kun and I are going to take a rest before going into the Mountain. I'm Sorry, but I'd like you three to go ahead of Us.
I understand. Please take care of yourselves, you two!
A few minutes later, into the mountain.
If we gather lots of mushrooms, how about having a barbecue at night? Or we could roast them on foil and so on!
That sounds wonderful ♪ I'd like to receive as many blessings from the mountain as possible so that everyone can fill their stomachs.
Ah! Isn't that a mushroom among the fallen leaves?
Oh, certainly. Excellent finding.
Before I could say, "What a good sign~♪", I found a mushroom in the bushes too!
I can't believe we found so many mushrooms this quickly. Both of you have a wonderful observational eye.
I, as an elder, mustn't fall behind. Even near fallen trees like these, mushrooms can be found... Look, here they are ♪
Wah, you're also incredible, Kazehaya-senpai!
At this rate, we might be able to gather a lot before Midori-kun and Sakasaki-senpai join us!
Next, why don't we go look at the dead tree over there? It's lying there in the shade, and it looks like it may have mushrooms growing on it.
Hmm. Which dead tree?
Um, is it the one by the big tree? It's a little slanted, and moss is growing...
...... (Staring at the dead tree)
(Running to the dead tree) Yup, I knew it! Just by looking at it, you can see that it's full of things growing!
Let's see... Waah, it's true ♪ Let's harvest them right away—
You can't!
It's dangerous to go near those mushrooms! Both of you, please stand back!
Dangerous...? What happened all of a sudden?
I cannot express it very well, but I feel a strange presence from that mushroom. It's akin to an ill omen, or somesuch...
A-An ill omen...?
I apologize for startling you. Even I think it seems suspicious, but occasionally I can sense these kinds of things.
(And, even with a smile on his face, Kazehaya-senpai hasn't let his guard down at all when it comes to the mushrooms...!)
At first glance, they look like ordinary mushrooms, but... if you feel they're dangerous, does it mean they're poisonous?
I cannot say for certain. But if the negative energy I felt was real, it might be a possibility.
At times like this, research is the way to go! Take a photo... and quickly do an image search ♪
H-How about it?
—"Although easily mistaken for edible mushrooms, they are a poisonous species that tend to grow on dead and fallen trees."
They are poisonous mushrooms...!
So, does that mean that the ill omen Kazehaya-senpai felt was the mushroom's poison...?
That may be so...
Since the harvest will be appraised by a specialist later, we don't need to worry about bringing home poisonous mushrooms in the unlikely event that we harvest any, but...
If we can avoid harvesting them, that would be even better. According to my intuition, we were fortunate ♪
It's amazing, though, that you can detect the presence (?) of poisonous mushrooms. I almost can't believe it!
Hmm, but was it really just a coincidence? To find out the truth, let's keep on harvesting!
After a while.
Please take a look! This time, there are red mushrooms among the dead leaves!
Blegh... That color is definitely a sign of a poisonous mushroom, isn't it?
...... (Staring at Tatsumi)
Hmm, I don't feel the same presence as before. I think it's probably a harmless mushroom.
Eh, even though it's such a bright red?!
The poisonous mushroom we saw earlier looked harmless at first glance, didn't it? You should not judge by appearances.
I'll look it up this time! Umm, let's take a picture first—
"Although its flashy colors may make it look like a poisonous mushroom, this is a delicious, edible species."
Ohh, if they say that it's both harmless and delicious, I'm curious about the taste.
Huh~... So it wasn't a poisonous mushroom...
It also says, "Beware that it can be easily mistaken for poisonous mushrooms." But, I've checked its characteristics in detail, so it's probably harmless...
Mm. Kazehaya-senpai's special ability is not to be underestimated...!
Not at all, I believe it's just a coincidence. After all, it was just a vague intuition.
However, if it ends up being correct, I would be happy. Well then, let's keep working hard for the harvest...♪
Kazehaya-senpai! How about the mushrooms growing in clusters here?
...I feel an ill omen. Let's not touch them.
Yes, understood~!
Even more so, afterwards.
Kazehaya-senpai, what about the ones growing on this tree?
...I don't feel anything. I believe they are harmless.
I did a search on my end too, and everything seems a-okay~! ☆
Actually, we've harvested a lot, so why don't we go back to where Midori-kun and Sakasaki-senpai are?
That's right. I'm curious to see how the two of them are doing, and the mushrooms need to be looked at by the specialist.
I'm so excited to see if Kazehaya-senpai's predictions (?) are right that my heart is pounding...♪
Oh? The three of you returned Quickly.
That's a lot of mushrooms... You were able to gather this many?
Ah, there are mountain vegetables in the basket~♪ So you guys have been harvesting them around here, huh!
I didn't know if we could catch up with the three of You, so I thought it would be better to do another Task.
Hm...? Hey, there's a mushroom with a really poisonous-looking color over there...
Ah, it's okay. Kazehaya-senpai didn't sense any ill omen from that mushroom, so...
An ill omen...?
What do you Mean?
Actually, it was like this and that and...
Ehh...? Even if you explain it to me, I still don't understand it at all...
Oh, well. It'll be appraised by an expert from here on, so let's look forward to the results and see if Kazehaya-senpai was correct ♪
I'm a little nervous, but... I'll just pray for a good result.
If we can bring back all the mushrooms, it would make a luxurious meal when combined with the mountain vegetables ♪
Yes. It seems we'll be able to be cook them in various ways besides grilling, I'm looking forward to it...♪