Pump it up!

Nazuna on StageIncreases the Performance of Brilliant cards
意気込む舞台Increases the score
気持ち解く湯気Increases the drop rate of Large Yellow Stat Pieces
Pump it up!
Chapter 1
Season: Autumn
Location: Rhythm Link Office
—A mini live by an ES idol as a solo performer, a "Feature Live”, huh…
Can you hold on a second~? Lemme take a look at the documents you sent to “HoldHands.”
A “Feature Live” is a mini-live in which idols perform solo, not as a unit.
For this live, a new outfit is made exclusively for the idol… Is that right?
Yeah, I think I’m getting the idea. So you came to ask me to participate in this live, Anzu.
My answer? Of course I wanna be in it. I’m sure the project you’re working on’s a good one.
…Ahaha, sorry, sorry. In cases like this, I need to clearly say, ‘I will participate,’ right?
Well… I dunno if I should be worried about this now, but I had a hiatus, right?
Since returning to the stage, I’ve performed with Ra*bits a few times already.
I feel that I’m being largely influenced by the energy of my juniors, who are growing remarkably.
I couldn’t let Tomo-chin, Mitsuru-chin, and Hajime-chin see my shameful side, so I gave it my all…
Somehow, they’ve managed to rise to the level of professional idols.
But this is a solo live, right?
Even if it’s a “mini” live, it’s still a stage where I have to stand alone from start to end.
I have to give them an engaging performance with just myself, or I have to improve my physical strength. I keep thinking about such things.
—If you wanna improve your physical strength, d'you want me to help you train?
My bad, I just overheard you.
I like your songs, so I might go see it too. Nito’s “Feature Live”…♪
Jeez… Kuro-chin, did you come to put pressure on me~?
Haha, nah, I didn’t have that in mind. I really do wanna watch it.
And if you wanna build up your physical strength, it’s true that I’d be willing to help. If you’d like, why don’t you come to my Circle?
Kuro-chin’s Circle… Training would mean “SHIN”, not “Overnight Outdoors Party”.
But, isn’t it a bit hard to train alongside a bunch of martial artists~?
We’re not always fightin’, y'know. We’re also trying to get in shape.
Sure, we do have our fair share of competitions and matches, but… No, didn’t we mostly end up with practice matches the other day as well…?
See~… I’d like some advice on how to get in shape, but I don’t wanna have muscles like everyone else in “SHIN"—
Hmm? That look on your face, Anzu. Got something on your mind?
It might be a good idea to snap a picture of me during training for the live preparations…?
Yeah. They’re making a pamphlet for the "Feature Live”. You meant a picture for that, right, Anzu?
Oh, a pamphlet, huh. Usually, live merchandise features you in some flashy outfit.
Seeing the preparation and efforts such as training and lessons leading up to the live would be pretty refreshing and new.
While it might be refreshing… I wanna show only the perfected version of myself as an idol on stage~…
Executing the performance perfectly, singing with ease, and dancing comfortably. I want to be seen as a sparkling figure.
…Hm~m, it’s not like I hate it or anything, but being seen by my fans while I’m trying so hard, it’s still a bit embarrassing, you know?
Plus, if it’s a scene of me doing muscle training or something, I feel like my body wouldn’t look right in those pictures…!
Strength training might seem plain, but for example, even the image of throwing a punch or a kick could make for a nice pic, don’t you think?
Lately, kickboxing’s gaining popularity as a full-body workout. There’re multiple ways to train the body.
Boxing… If it’s a photo with a lot of body movement and an action-packed vibe, I might not mind either…?
Kickboxing’s just one example. If you were to go all out and put on a flashy performance, I think the gap with your usual self would make it more attractive, at least personally.
Ahaha, thanks. I’ll take Kuro-chin’s opinion as a reference ♪
Yeah. And, sorry, Little Miss Anzu, for bargin’ in on your conversation.
Nito’s “Feature Live” and the pamphlet that was mentioned earlier… I’ll be rootin’ for 'em to be somethin’ great ♪
Location: Staff Dining Hall
After that.
(Let’s grab a window seat for lunch today. Where should I sit?)
Nii-chan, he~ey!
(The person waving at that table…)
This way, this way!
Tomo-chin? I’ll be right there after I get some cold water!
—Sorry for the wait. Are you having lunch alone today?
Yes. I just came to the office to pick up a script, and figured I’d have a bite at the staff dining hall.
Weren’t you at the office earlier talking with Anzu-san and Kiryu-senpai, Nii-chan?
Wha, if you were there when I was, you should’ve called me over.
I didn’t want to interrupt your meeting. What were you all talking about?
Well… Anzu asked me to do a solo mini live called “Feature Live.”
So. I was asking her about the live and the pamphlet that’ll be the merchandise.
Nii-chan’s solo live…?!
Is the date set already? What’s the ticket information? When will the merchandise go on sale?
Whawha?! Even if you shower me with questions, we haven’t finalized the details yet~?
I mean, Tomo-chin. Why’re you so excited, leaning forward like that?
No matter what, I’m definitely going to Nii-chan’s solo live!
I’m sure Hajime and Mitsuru will say the same thing when they hear about this! They’ll want to attend too!
Speaking of which, I need to tell Hajime and Mitsuru soon! I can’t wait for Nii-chan’s “Feature Live”…♪
(Tomo-chin, your eyes are shining. As everyone’s “Nii-chan”, I can’t let them down.)
(This “Feature Live” definitely has to be amazing…!)
Chapter 2
Location: Training Room
A few days later.
One, two, three, four…
(I decided to consult with Kuro-chin and Chiaki-chin and work on a training program that’s likely to show results even in a short span of time.)
(It’s been a few days of training, but I still don’t feel any changes in my body or muscles…)
(Though, it does feel a bit easier compared to the first day.)
(They say there’s strength in perseverance. I’ll keep working hard for the “Feature Live”.)
…? Just now, is there anyone at the door—
Huh, it’s Anzu.
Ahaha, it’s pretty rare to see you wearing a jersey inside the ES building ♪
Since you’re dressed like that, did you come here to train too, Anzu?
…I see. You’ve been so busy lately that you’ve been unable to do your daily exercise routine, so you came to the training room today.
Me? I’m training for the “Feature Live”. I’m in the middle of stretching.
Eh…? When you ask me why I’m training, it’s kinda hard for me to answer…
We discussed this in the office, right? About the performance and fitness.
After the meeting, I told everyone in Ra*bits that I was gonna do the “Feature Live”…
They’re so happy and looking forward to it, they’re even more excited about the show than I am about being on stage.
For my juniors and fans who’re looking forward to seeing me, I feel more determined about preparing for the show and delivering a perfect stage, erasing all uncertainties.
In the unlikely event that it turns out mediocre… Whether it’s because I had a hiatus, or because I’ll be standing on stage alone, none of it’s an excuse.
I wanna gain strength, build my muscles, and give it my all. I wanna show everyone the best performance I can do.
That’s why I’m training on my own accord.
…Though I mean, instead of just talking about being enthusiastic, I should be moving my body. Since we’re here, let’s talk about it while exercising together ♪
You’re glad I told you how I felt?
Fufu. I’m happy that you’re putting even more effort into it, but if you get too busy, you might miss your daily exercises again~♪
…While we’re here, can I ask you a question about the pamphlet shoot?
During my chat with the Ra*bits members, Tomo-chin mentioned it, and it caught my attention.
As a member of a unit, it’s not every day you get a pamphlet that only you are featured in.
I felt it was a precious opportunity, and I wanted to make the pamphlet as good as possible in my own way.
I think I’m a bit overzealous, but…
I wanted to ask you again what kind of pamphlet you want for the “Feature Live.”
…Hm, hm. You want it to be full of “good moments” of idols, huh?
To showcase each idol at their best, you want to capture expressions and moments that aren’t often seen on stage…
Ohh, so, when you were talking with Kuro-chin, that’s why you thought it might be a good idea to take a picture of me doing muscle training!
It’s true that I don’t look like that on stage. For my fans, it might be a face they’ve never seen before.
No, you don’t need to say, “I’m sorry I didn’t explain myself well enough”.
After all, I have to listen to what the producer is thinking~
If that’s the case… I’d like it to be something a bit more stylish. Having photos of me in motion would definitely be a plus ♪
“What kind of pictures do you want, if any?” …Hmm~
I dunno what kinda figure or expression is good for me. I’m not used to being photographed like Izumi-chin and Arashi-chin.
I’d like to come up with ideas for it, but they might not come to me right away. If I keep flexing like this, my mind could become more adaptable. I wonder if I’ll be able to come up with something.
Hm? You say it’s okay to convey the image of myself I want through the pamphlet and the live?
Anzu, once the training is over, there’s something I’d like to ask you…
Location: Break Room
I initially just wanted to chat a bit, so I’m sorry for getting you involved in work.
But thanks to Anzu’s suggestions for locations, I’m starting to have a clearer vision of what I want.
Turns out, there are plenty of great spots within reasonable driving distance from ES. No need to go too far…
Well, I didn’t expect so many suitable places for shooting. I’m so amazed I’m practically lost in deciding where to go ♪
Oh, sorry. I shouldn’t have taken over your computer.
Anzu, if you’ve got your drink, why not take a seat here?
After a good workout, let’s take it easy… ♪
…Mm, what is it? You wanna know why I wanted to shoot outdoors?
Well~ How should I put it? When you said to me, “It’s okay to convey the image of yourself you want through this live…”
I thought, “it’d be good to show that I’m an energetic idol!”
I’ve had a hiatus from my idol activities, so coming back, I wanted to say, “Look at me, singing and dancing with a smile!”
The people around me are probably more worried and concerned about me than I think.
That’s why. I thought that some people might feel relieved if they saw me perform on stage by myself this time.
I planned to approach it as if I’m insisting, “I’m doing this as an idol!” with so much fun, brightness, happiness, and energy.
I wanted to show that kind of image in the pamphlet, so I requested to be photographed outdoors ♪
Running and frolicking in the fields while basking in the sunlight… I’m gonna show off my lively side…☆
And this way, I can also move my body… mentioning it seems like an afterthought, but what I told you just now are my feelings. How about it?
You chose me because you can capture my natural expressions?
I’m glad~ When Anzu gives her stamp of approval, it puts me at ease ♪
You’ll be coming along to the shooting too, right? I’ll move my body as if I’m playing to my heart’s content, so I hope you’ll snap lots of pictures.
I wonder what kind of expression of mine will be captured? Perhaps, the me on stage is slightly different after all.
Oddly enough, I feel like I’m the one looking forward to “Idol Nito Nazuna’s” pamphlet the most…♪