Musical Guidance, Tsukinaga-Style ☆

Musical Guidance, Tsukinaga-Style ☆
月永流音樂指 ☆
Leo comes across Tomoya practicing his singing. When he finds it odd, he offers him guidance...
Chitose Umeda
Musical Guidance, Tsukinaga-Style ☆
月永流音樂指 ☆
Leo comes across Tomoya practicing his singing. When he finds it odd, he offers him guidance...
Chitose Umeda
Extra Information
Mika Feature Scout 2
Scout Duration
12/25/2022 (15:00 JST) - 1/10/2023 (15:00 JST)
Associated Cards
    Musical Guidance, Tsukinaga-Style ☆ 1

Musical Guidance, Tsukinaga-Style ☆

Season: Autumn

Location: Sky Garden

Wahaha, not a cloud in the sky! Sunny, clear autumn weather...☆

Such nice weather, I knew it was a good decision to go outside!

In this sky garden, I'll write a masterpiece that will go down in history, all while feeling the autumn air!

...Well, it's nice to be enthusiastic, but... This place is rather large. In fact, it's really difficult to find a good spot.

It's hard to see the music sheet if it's too bright, yet it looks a little chilly in the shade?

Ggh, for problems to arise after coming here! Life is truly a continuous series of choices!

Ah~... Ah~...♪

? What's that?

(I've heard this singing voice before... I should know it, but whose voice is it? It's exquisitely, hazily stuck in my memory.)

(But if I can hear them singing, they must be close by! Where are you, where~?)



T-That scared me...! Don't suddenly jump out of the shadows!

Sorry, sorry, I was just wondering who was singing.

But I've heard your voice many times before, Shiro, so I should be able to recognize it right away~

Have you always sung like that? Or did you change your singing style?

Uuu~... I was practicing in the corner of the sky garden because I'd be embarrassed if anyone heard me. I guess it can't be helped now that you found me...

But, Tsukinaga-senpai, you can tell just by listening for a little bit to my voice that I sound different from usual?

Well, I tried to be a little bit genius-like...☆

So? There must be something going on if you're talking like that.

The autumn wind is blowing pleasantly, so I'll put on my senpai airs and let them blow as well! Why not let me hear you out?

Ahaha, thank you very much.

...Actually, I have a stage audition coming up soon. And in that audition, they'll also judge me on my singing.

It was written by an up-and-coming playwright, and it includes a singing scene in homage to a musical movie or something...

Hmm, so?

After researching the playwright's past works and watching a number of musical movies, I wasn't sure how I should sing for the role...

When I thought that my usual way of singing as an idol might not be good enough, I suddenly started to feel lost.

Despite all my trial and error, nothing felt right.

I see~ No wonder I thought just about everything sounded strange in Shiro's singing voice.

"Just about everything," was it really that strange?

Yup. Your singing wasn't good at all!

Ugh! My chest hurts just by hearing you say that...!

B-But. What's so good about my regular voice? It doesn't have the piercing quality of Mitsuru's or the delicacy of Hajime's...

Hey, hey. You're so focused on the good qualities of others that you can't see your own.

Even when I do vocal exercises in Dramatica, I listen to your voice because I think it's good, Shiro.

W-What do you like about my voice?!

Just like your name1 suggests, it's a "blank slate"! It sounds subdued, but the good thing about your voice is that it's a blank slate and straightforward.

A blank slate...?

Mm~ Is it hard to understand?

Shiro's singing voice is like a blank notebook—with no color, with nothing written on it yet.

So, when I listen to him, I feel like writing all types of songs. It makes me want to have him sing "this kind of song" and "that kind of song" with his voice.

Through Shiro's blank slate of a voice, I can picture various landscapes and melodies...☆

(Tsukinaga-senpai praised me so much, I'm so happy...!)

And yet, your voice just now had none of those good qualities~!

Ughh, you said there was nothing good again...!

—But, I see.

My mind was so busy trying to figure out the right way to sing for the role...

What kind of voice do I have and what kind of songs can I sing? Maybe I wasn't able to think about such ordinary things.

Mhm, mhm. Whether it's singing as an idol or singing on stage, each one has its own characteristics and good qualities.

In both cases the voice comes from the same person, Shiro. It's meaningless if neither of them have your strengths, I don't want it to be a waste in which your merits aren't expressed.

So relax and just sing in a more Shiro-like way. That's what I think!

Be more like myself, and relax...

Fufu. As I listened to your words, my shoulders gradually relaxed, Tsukinaga-senpai.

...This audition is close to Ra*bit's Live. I think that's why I was even more preoccupied.

I was thinking about how I needed to change my attitude, and I was afraid that if I didn't do well, I would drag the Live down...

I see. You were thinking about what you could do and preparing for it all by yourself.

You're doing a great job~ And I'm getting more and more eager to support you! So, I'll stay here and listen to Shiro's singing voice!


I'll be listening to Shiro's voice to make sure it's coming out right. Your voice will stimulate my inspiration...♪

C'mon, sing for me, Shiro! I'm always ready!

I-I understand. Please let me know if you find anything strange...?

...(Takes a deep breath.) Be more like myself, and relax—

(Yup, it definitely sounds more Shiro-like than the singing voice I heard earlier! It's still a bit stiff, but Shiro should be able to do better!)

...For now, I'd like it to be softer. Try fluffing it up, like you're trying to grow wings with your voice!


(There we go. My inspiration is welling up, too!)

(Every staff notation will be filled with notes in no time. If I listen to this voice, surely...♪)

Translation Notes

  1. Tomoya's surname is Mashiro (真白), a nod to 真っ白 (masshiro), meaning "pure white" or a "blank slate".