Princess Kaguya — Prologue

Princess Kaguya
Prologue (プロローグ)
The chapter starts with Hiyori revealing that this will be his last performance as an idol. The timeline then goes back one week earlier, to a meeting in which the plans for the Shuffle Unit "Getto Spectacle" are revealed...
Kino Seitaro with Akira


Chapter 1

Season: Winter

Location: Princess Kaguya Stage

—So this is where the modern version of Princess Kaguya will take place.

How should I put it... It's a very creative stage.

But, it's clear a lot of effort went into making this place.

It is as if it were a celebration of "Ohisama"-san's "departure"—a sparkling stage.

Mhm, mhm. It's a suitable place to bring our Getto Spectacle to a close!

And so, it will be my—

The last performance of the idol Tomoe Hiyori.

One week ago. Mid-January, at the ES meeting room.

"Shuffle Unit"—"Getto Spectacle."1

So that's the unit name that will be used for this project, Anzu.

Mm. It sounds good!

For this Shuffle Project, we have to record on "DJ Classics", a popular educational program that broadcasts modern adaptations of classic works.

I heard that we'll be in charge of reading the modern adaptation of "Princess Kaguya" and singing the theme song.

Well, we can do that with the five of us, right?

It's super pretty that we get to perform Princess Kaguya, isn't it, Arashi-chan!

Yes, it was so nice and pretty of Anzu-chan to invite us to this project!

...Stop trying to put pretty in every sentence.

Anyway, I'd like to ask Anzu how the members were chosen.

Putting aside Tomoe-senpai and Narukami, I'm wondering why I, Kazehaya-senpai, and Shinkai-senpai were selected.

I am not so confident in my "acting ability". I was rather hesitant when I accepted this project.

The script will be handed to us, won't it? I'd like to check how Princess Kaguya will be performed by the five of us.

Hm. "Princess Kaguya will be adapted into a story about five highschool boys in modern times, and then linked to their farewell story"—is it.

I see. So, the producer of the show who came up with this project saw the "OJS Boys" work2 we did, and made an offer to me and Shinkai-senpai.

"OJS Boys"? Sounds like an interesting job, huh?

It was a gravure job centered around the "OJS (Prince)" image.

I believe StarPro often receives offers for such work.

Huuh. So it was an interesting job.

If the job came to StarPro, it's not surprising that I had nothing to do with it. Though I would've liked to have taken it.

Well, I'm always everyone's sun, so there's no need for me to be a prince!

Ufufu. Having pretty idols like us around might make it a good balance, don't you think?

So what even is this pretty thing?

Fufu. It's a common code word in Pretty 5, isn't it, Arashi-chan ♪

It certainly is a common code word, Tomoe-senpai ♪

...I probably shouldn't dig too deep into this.

That is right~ We are getting "sidetracked".

I understand that Hokuto and I were "invited" because of the "prince" work.

But, Tatsumi did not become a "prince", did he?

Is there another "reason"?

I've been wondering about that myself.

The "OJS Boys" work was accepted by Hiiro-san, not me. So why was I the one chosen from ALKALOID instead of him?

Hm. So it's because the producer was aware of my past activities, despite the fact I had a hiatus period. I'm rateful for being included.

Alright then, the five of us—let us perform the modern version of Princess Kaguya together in this Shuffle Project.

I would like to start practicing as soon as possible for the performance. on a leader.

Would anyone like to nominate themselves?

Yes, yes! I would like to be the leader!

How very assertive of you.

But, who would be better qualified than me?

Well, Tomoe-senpai is qualified, considering his achievements and experience—but I'd like to hear the opinions of other members.

I think it is fine~ I think someone with leadership experience would be "suitable" for the job.

I agree. He's the leader of Eve, so I have no objections.

Same for me, I don't see any particular problems with it.

Mhm, mhm. It seems like everyone is in agreement. Then, as the leader, I will propose a way to proceed without delay.

I heard that when shooting a movie for the Shuffle Project before, the members all lived in a training camp.

So, why don't we also live together in the old building at Seisoukan to enhance our sense of solidarity?

Wha...! Living together... That's awfully sudden, Tomoe-senpai...?!

But, let's not waste the short time we have before the performance! It's easier not to worry, so let's live together and strengthen our bond!

Come on, let's pack our bags and gather around!

Let's enjoy these extraordinary moments together before we return to the moon3. That's some good weather...♪

Translation Notes

  1. Getto Spectacle is written as "月都スペクタクル", meaning "Moon Capital Spectacle", however, taking the readings of 月 (getsu) and 都 (to), you obtain ゲット (getto), which means Get in English.
  2. This is referencing the scout story White Lily.
  3. This is a reference to the Princess Kaguya story. The name of the unit is also a reference to it, since 月の都 (Tsuki no Miyako, lit. Capital of the Moon) is the name of the moon city Princess Kaguya returns to by the end.