
I like the idiot you.


About Me

Hi, I’m Mello, and this is my translation site! Currently, I’m focusing on translating Ensemble Stars content, but I might branch out to other franchises in the future.

I’ve been slowly learning Japanese for around 6 years, though I still consider myself a beginner. I’m using these translations as a way to practice and get myself to read things, so it’d be best to take my translations with a grain of salt. I do try my best to ensure they make sense and are accurate, but I appreciate any feedback you may have.

English isn’t my first language, that would be Spanish. I consider myself fluent in both. I’ve taken lessons on Korean and Russian before, but I’m definitely not proficient in them. I’m also interested in coding, and I like to try out fun stuff in this site!

When it comes to Enstars, I’ve been a fan of it since 2018, and had my passion for it reignited by Tatsumi and HiMERU in June 2022. Needless to say, this series means a lot to me, and I’m happy to be able to share it with other people.

My goal for this site is for it to be a place where Tatsumi and HiMERU content is easily accessible, and ideally, I’ll translate every story they appear in someday…♪ ( ◜▿◝ : )

Favorite Characters

My special little guys...

Other characters I really love!

I’m likely to go out of my way to translate stories with them, especially Valkyrie, though Tatsumi and HiMERU stories are my priority.

General Notes

  • Since it’ll come up often on my TLs, I’d like to expand a little on HiMERU’s pronoun usage. Because of the way Japanese works, first person pronouns can be skipped over entirely and still have an understandable sentence, due to how context-based it is. However, this doesn’t work in English. Trying to translate that literally would result in really stiff, nonsensical dialogue. The way this is important to HiMERU is that he speaks in the third person, only using a specific first person pronoun (“ore”) once it’s plot-relevant. But his dialogue isn’t always written in third person, most of the time he’s skipping over personal pronouns entirely, so translators usually opt for always making him speak in third person until stated otherwise. I do this in my translations too, but I may choose to use first person during his internal monologue depending on whether I feel it’s appropriate. Just know that, unless pointed out, the only times he is textually referring to himself with first person pronouns are when there are quotation marks around the word “I”.
  • As for Tatsumi, he tends to quote the Bible a lot. However, the Bible has several English translations, and if you look up my translation of the verses he’s quoting, they may not seem to be the same. I’ve opted for translating the Japanese words he’s saying, instead of using an English Bible equivalent of the same verse, while sometimes using the wording of several English translations as a guide. They’re usually not that different, but just in case you were curious about any discrepancies.
  • I basically translate what I want, regardless of whether or not it’s been translated already. Stories without translation tend to take priority, but I have a fairly big backlog of all the stories I’m interested in translating. I do take translation requests, however. You can ask in my Tumblr askbox and I’ll get to doing them whenever I have the time.
  • For my translation usage guidelines, you can see them here.


If you spot things like mispellings, grammar issues, translation mistakes or have any other feedback you want to bring to my attention, I’d be thankful if you could direct those to my Tumblr askbox or DMs. You can also find me on Twitter. I have a CuriousCat linked there, and you can also use that to send questions, but if it’s translation-related I prefer it to be kept to my Tumblr.


The stylesheet used for formatting the translations is Mashiro. CGs, card images and other resources are taken from the Enstars Wiki.

Anzu chibi drawn by me. Anyone can use it, as long as proper credit is given linking back to this site or my socials.
